Echline Primary Curriculum Evening Miss C Robertson
Welcome to P2/3 Overview of the year Routines Home learning Assessment Maths & Numeracy Literacy Health and Wellbeing Talk about yourself in this section
Overview of the year Class assembly P2/3 show later in the year Trips linked to topics, some local and hopefully one further afield Whole school events (Road safety week, Sports day) Themed weeks and topics reflecting the curriculum with opportunities to work with P2 and P3 Talk here about big things that are happening. Annual calendar things, e.g. big topics, sailing, camp, trips assembly, shows etc. Specific topics in each term, events like sports day, road safety week,
Routines Literacy and numeracy lessons 4 times a week PE on Monday morning and Wednesday morning Daily run outside Art specialist every Wednesday morning Library on Thursday afternoons Reading with buddies (P2) on Thursday afternoon New format for BAT on Friday following assembly Behaviour management system This section is for PE days, other specialists, library days, buddies, homework. New ‘BAT’ (or newly named)
Home learning Daily reading with reading detective activity Math wall activities including sumdog access ( Will be handed out at the start of next week) Sounds and tricky words jotter/spelling for P3 with activities Occasional topic related challenges If individual children have found something particularly challenging we might ask you to work on it at home for extra practice Open to choice, do more of the ones they enjoy, we do not need to see it, it is for their benefit not ours.
Assessment Daily and weekly (Say/make/write/do) A lot of observations from discussions with children, their written work and from other ways they have displayed their learning Formative assessment strategies like thumbs up/down, fist of 5, traffic lights. Spelling marking –Tickled pink/Green for growth We give children immediate verbal feedback and written feedback based on learning intentions for each lesson Explain all types of assessment. Not everything needs to be marked by the teacher, this will be set up as a rotation. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed. Verbal feedback will be given too – ask your child!
Maths and Numeracy SEAL maths programme which focusses mostly on mental agility using number for addition, subtraction, partitioning numbers and making groups Topic maths- Measure, money, time, shape etc Big maths challenges to increase speed of recall of number facts Primary 3 starting to learn times tables Other maths linked to topics where relevant and can be supported through real life examples, e.g. spending money and telling the time Focus has moved away from written pages of sums and we use lots of concrete materials and active maths strategies.
Literacy Reading with groups and asking and answering questions about the story Class story or novel with work linked to it, e.g. Roald Dahl Writing of sounds and tricky words will be based around Edinburgh literacy rich following on from Primary 1 and 2 programme. Development of written work will use VCOP focus each week. P3 start spelling programme after Christmas. Talking outcomes will be covered through circle times, class presentations, individual and group projects Talk partners- changed weekly Listening skills activities, listening skills activities with partner or group during tasks Talk about the setup for Literacy and anything relevant for you and your class. Also link to home learning section. Go over marking of spelling etc. Not every error will be marked/changed.
Health and Wellbeing Internet safety programme Road safety week Science and health and wellbeing topics relating to being healthy Anti-bullying week Outdoor learning week P.E. for 2 hours every week including daily mile run/walk Right respecting class charter Emotion chat resource to develop resilience and emotional wellbeing Behaviour, class charter, wider life of the school, PE, Pupil Groups
Thanks for coming Wrap things up and take questions.