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Presentation transcript:

Art and Design & Technology Topic Science Investigative activities using simple equipment, making predictions and recording results. Water cycle, planting and fair testing. Know the properties of different materials and their uses. Art and Design & Technology To use a range of materials to design, make and evaluate 2D & 3D products (DT). To use drawing, painting and sculpture to express and develop ideas. Projects: Animal masks, Rousseau, water colour pictures, animal shelters, clay sculptures. Topic Animals Introduction to animals, requirements of life, living/non-living, animal classification, life cycles, food chains/webs, habitats, domestication, environmental change and animal research. Year 2 Summer Term 2018 Animals Important Events: Trip to Marwell Zoo, biathlon, Africa day, summer concert, Father’s day breakfast, Grandparents afternoon, Bible week, sports day, swimming gala, woodland day, moving up afternoon, penny mile day and prize giving. English Read, Write Inc spelling programme Spelling rule per week. Weekly grammer: adjectivs, verbs, a/an, question and exclamation marks, commas, inverted commas and plural s/es. Writing Diary writing, writing a letter, writing a postcard and non-fiction writing. Handwriting: Continue joined writing and correct letter formation. Reading: Fiction – Continue individual reading scheme, paired and group reading including play scripts and poetry. Non-Fiction – To be able to use books as sources of information. Maths Number: 2, 5 and10 times tables. Introduce horizontal addition and subtraction. Revision of vertical subtraction, missing signs +/-/x, multiplication/division and doubling/halving, fractions, data handling, problem solving and investigations. Topic: Capacity and shape. Mental maths: Weekly test. RS/SMSC and FBV Judaism – the special relationship between Jews and God. Islam – why Muslims visit the mosque. School Council election Father’s Day ICT Researching: using safe search engines to research. Internet safety: lessons exploring how to be safe on the internet. Graphics: using programmes to explore art, design and graphics. Tablets: exploring how to use tablets for fun and learning. PSHEE Relationships and Changing me. Transition to year 3. PE Athletics: sprinting, middle distance, long jump, high jump, Tennis: ball skills, movement around the court Ball skills catching, throwing, fielding and batting skills Swimming: Swim Kidz Music Tuned percussion performance, early recognition of pitch and an introduction to orchestral instruments, Summer concert. French Learning about animals: farm, wild, pets. Treasure hunt, outdoor picnic.