The Scientific Revolution Chapter 16 The Scientific Revolution
Classical to Copernicus In the classical period Ptolemy came up with the geocentric conception Earth centered universe Accepted by the church Copernicus developed the heliocentric conception Sun centered universe Kicks off the scientific revolution
Magic to Science From the Renaissance to the 17th Century magic and science were almost identical Alchemy was the “science” of turning regular items into gold Hermeticism was the basis for science and understanding the world and how to manipulate it (magic)
Collecting Data Tycho Brahe collected 20 years worth of observations Francis Bacon said that to find truth you needed empirical data (observed and collected) Galileo’s telescope helped make this process of obtaining data easier
New Theories By using the works of Brahe, Johannes Kepler developed the 3 laws of planetary motion Determined that planets travel on elliptical orbits, don’t travel with uniform speed etc. Demonstrates that scientists did not merely accept truth but tested new theories to build and expand on their concepts
New Theories Galileo further expanded our view of the universe with the telescope in his book Starry Messenger Identified the principle of inertia Said celestial objects made up of same material as earth The church becomes cautious: They don’t want to claim that science is all wrong but don’t want people to give it all power either
Newton Author of Principia, Newton made many great discoveries for science Discovered universal law of gravitation Invented Calculus to help him with his findings Made the concept of a “World Machine” where things acted according to natural laws instead of God Combined scientific method
Doctors Galen (classical doctor) claimed body had four humors (liquids) and sickness came from an imbalance of them Paracelsus claimed that chemicals could be used to treat cures with similar chemicals in different dosage (Our first pharmacist)
Studying Anatomy Vesalius believed that doctors needed hands on approach training so dissected bodies to study anatomy William Harvey discovered that the heart originated blood and pumped it through body. Also discovered capillaries function of transferring blood from arteries to veins
Other scientists Antoine Lavoisier: Founder of modern chemistry Robert Boyle: Wanted controllable experiments and determined laws of gasses
Rene Descartes Cartesian Dualism: claims that there should be a separation of Mind and Body Idea of I think therefore I am. The only thing you could prove was your own existence. Said body can be tricked Father of modern rationalism
Religion and Science Margaret Cavendish said that science would not help man become masters of nature Benedict Spinoza supported Pantheism Blaise Pascal tried to unite science with religion but warned people against accepting science over religion