Five Rounds of ESS in Slovakia Denisa Fedáková, Michal Kentoš Centre for Social and Psychological Sciences SAS Smolenice, 19 September 2016
Funding and timing Effort to get support (Slovak Academy of Sciences) Effort to get funding (Ministry of Education) Late or very late no matter what how successful the round was Double pressure: insecurity and delay Academic year vs. calendar year
Sampling Dependent on legislation/law R2-R3 Design: simple random sampling Frame: Central register of residents (SK) R4-R6 Design: stratified four-stage probality sampling Frame: Addresses/Households
Translations and country specific items 2 languages: Slovak and Hungarian Shared Hungarian translation (ESS HU team, Budapest) Translation verification Country specific items: education, income, religion, political parties....
Fieldwork R2 Markwin, local survey agency R3-R6 Gfk Slovakia, leading research company Duration: November – February Same budget
Interviewers Briefings: more than 8 hours More emphasis on practical issues (how to find and contact the respondent) Brochure for interviewers Incentives: R2-R6 extra money for interviewers (completed interview) Call centre - agency
Number of interviewers Quantity – no effect, Quality – overload of „masters“
Procedures Briefings- trainings Advanced letter (R2-R3 addressed, R4-R6 not addressed) TV, radio, mayors (worked in rural areas) Honor of participation (worked in rural areas) Back-checks (in person, by phone) Incentives: from respondents to interviewers
Response rate: target 70%
Non contacts and refusal NC amost stable Ref increasing despite higher effort
Yes visits – decreasing Nc/Ref visits - increasing
R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Sampling Simple random Stratified Probability (4 stages) Agency Markwin GfK N interv 119 272 129 106 144 Resp. rate 62,7% 73,2% 72,6% 74,7% 74,1% NonCont 1,5% 3,9% 4,1% 5,5% 3,2% Ref 21,5% 14% 12,7% 16,4% 20,6% N visits int 2,09 2,03 1,96 1,94 1,92 N visits non 2,07 2,42 2,66 2,69 2,7 Incentives resp voucher cash no Incentives interv Extra money Adv. letters addressed No address Briefings Less than 8 hrs 8 hrs More than 8 hrs
Contextual data Fieldwork background Monitored R2-R6 What is behind the changes of attitudes, opinions and feelings 2 national level „superevents“ Natural disaster in the High Tatras Euro currency introduction (similarities and differences in Slovakia (2009) and Estonia(2011))
Dissemination Books 7 Slovak Book chapters 33 ESS brochures 2 Book chapters 33 ESS brochures 2 Conference papers (home) 37 Slovak/English Conference presentations (abroad) 16 English PL, IT, CH, ES, BG, CZ, SI Journals 14 TV documentary 1 Slovak TV TV discussions 3 Radio talks, interviews 11 National and Local Radio Press/dissemination conferences 5 Bratislava, Stará Lesná
Topics: Dissemination Response rate enhancement Human Values Social welfare Work-family conflict Events during the ESS Perceived safety Social trust .......
ESS documentary (2012) Collectors of flavours
ESS users in Slovakia
Outcomes Worked: Interviewers trainings Dissemination PhD students Back-checks Events monitoring Support from the ESS community Experience exchange Did not work: Timing and funding Fieldwork agency – public procurement procedure Incentives for respondents More effort – same results
Perception of safety in EU
Victimization in EU
Thank you.