Building Christian Families for Christ
"God’s Blueprint for Building Strong Families"
God’s Blueprint for Building Strong Families Family is God’s Idea (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:7-8, 15-25) II. Satan has his agenda (Genesis 3). His three fold Attack: Separate from God Squelch the Flickering Light (Ex. 10:23) Side Track
God’s Blueprint for Building Strong Families (con’t) III. God’s Pattern (Deuteronomy 6:1-9) Un-revival Love (Deut. 6:4-5) Realize who God is (6:4) Resign our Hearts to Him (6:5) with all our hearts- the core of desire & affections with all of our mind- conforming our thinking to His Word With all of our soul- Placing the uniqueness of our personalities under His control With all of our strength- using our bodies & energy to perform His will
God’s Blueprint for Building Strong Families (con’t) 2. Unfailing Process (Deut. 6:6-9) Re-align Priorities: (Jn. 17:17, Ps. 119, 2 Tim. 3:16-17) Relate the Word to everyday life Real Effort Regulate every action Bind Be a sign Hands Eyes Doors & gates
Navigating the Teen years
When it comes to the teen Years
Four Types of Parenting Authoritarian Parenting: Rule oriented, “my way or the high way” “Drill Sargent Parenting” Permissive Parenting: no rules, pretty much anything goes. “Jelly Fish Parenting” Uninvolved Parenting: Neglectful Parenting Authoritative Parenting: Biblical Parenting
Building Blocks to Raising Godly Teens Develop a Passionate Relationship with the Lord (Deut. 6:5-6) Strong Marriages add Stability to a Teen’s Life (Eph. 5:22-33) Make God’s Word the Standard Parents must be on the Same Page (Amos 3:3) Protect your Teen (spirit, soul and body)
Building Blocks to Raising Godly Teens 6. Bless your Teen 7. Understand your Teen’s greatest need 8. The Father MUST lead in parenting 9. Train your teen (Four Pillars to Parenting Eph. 6:4) 10. Teach your teen to reverence God
Navigating Teens through the Screen Years
Dangers of the Internet
Dark Side of the Internet An Application from Ezekiel 8: Power of the Dark Side of the Internet v11 Perversity of the Dark Side of the Internet v7-10 Privacy (false sense) v11-12 Price Tag v12 Prevention v1-6 Rand Hummel’s book Dark Side of the Internet
Guidelines for Managing your Teens Media consumption Know your teens and your values Be conscious of age appropriate materials Set family guidelines and stick to them Limit screen time Use technology to control the media Set family viewing time Keep media out of the teens rooms Stay involved
Leaving a lasting Legacy
The Legacy Principle in Scriptures The Scripture teaches us that what we do today influences our families in the future, for good or bad: Exodus 20:5-6 Ps. 78:5-8 Prov. 13:22 Today’s Footprint is Tomorrow’s Legacy Legacy is what is left behind through the actions of a Life time
Loving Your teen through Life’s Seasons I. Love During Their Winter-Signs of Winter: Depression or suicidal thoughts Radical change in friendships or school attendance Drug and alcohol abuse Sexual promiscuity or teenage pregnancy Academic failure Self-destructive behavior like cutting or eating disorders Illness or death in the family
Loving Your teen through Life’s Seasons II. Love During Their Spring III. Love During Their Summer IV. Love During Their Fall
Laying the Bricks of Communication in the Family Brick #1 - Be Honest (Eph. 4:25) Brick #2 - Be Angry and sin not (Eph. 4:26) Brick #3 - When Communication is in, Satan is out (Eph. 4:27) Brick #4 - Let Your Speech Edify (Eph. 4:29) Brick #5 - Listen
Table Time: God’s Word and Prayer Make Mealtime Matter: Psalm 128 Table Talk should be: Sanctified by God’s Word : 1 Tim. 4:4-5, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Heb. 4:12, Jm. 1:21-25 Sanctified by Prayer: 1 Tim. 4:4-5, Four areas to prayer for is found in Luke 2:52
Scripture with Promise: For Children of all ages Background on Ephesus: 4 Characteristics of the Roman Empire with children First time God ever spoke directly to children is in Exodus 20:12 Honor: In the Hebrew means “to glorify, to ascribe value, worth, respect and to hold in high regard” (Lev. 19:3, Deut. 26:19, 1 Sam. 2:29-30).
Scripture with Promise: For Children of all ages Foundation of Human Relationships Foundation for the Respect of Authority Foundation for Human development Our relationship with our parents shapes our self image, our sexual identity, it will shape our values, morals, and principles. It will shape who you become!
Scripture with Promise: For Children of all ages III. What does Honor look Like? (Eph.6:1-3) Obedience (as children): Obey means to listen under The word for “parent” is a Latin phrase that actually means “in the place of God” It is the right thing to do! Obedience is to be immediate, complete and with a good attitude Children - they were in the meeting listening to this being read
Scripture with Promise: For Children of all ages 2. Respecting and co-operating with them (Teens): Prov. 23:22, 20:20 Rom. 1:30, 2 Tim. 3:2 Deut. 21, Ex. 21:15-17 Respecting them by our speech, dress, attitude, body language, in the gray areas such as movies, music, in our behavior away from home, doing school work or chores
Scripture with Promise: For Children of all ages Affirmation and Provision (adult children): Prov. 23:24-25 1 Tim. 5:4 Are there ever times when we shouldn’t obey? Four areas that take priority: Priority of Salvation: Mk. 10:23-31 Priority of Service: Lk. 9:59-62 Priority of Marriage: Priority of Wisdom: Prov. 9:7-9
Making a House a Home for Christ