Analysis Report Haiyun Lu
Outline Introduction Detector Motivation Work needs to be done Work already been done To do 11/11/2018
Introduction g D-> K+ S*-(p) g D-> K+ L (n) g D-> K0 L (p) Common form: g N-> K Y 11/11/2018
Introduction II S*- 1385 MeV I=1 Jp=3/2+ dds 87% L p- full width:39.4 MeV L 1115.7 MeV I=0 Jp=1/2+ uds 64% p p- mean life τ = 2.631 × 10−10 s 11/11/2018
Jefferson Lab 11/11/2018
Detector 11/11/2018
Detector II 11/11/2018
Detector III 11/11/2018
Detector IV 11/11/2018
Detector V 11/11/2018
Accelerator 11/11/2018
Accelerator II 11/11/2018
Radiator and Tagger 11/11/2018
Motivation EG3 run Real photon beam: 1.15GeV – 5.5 GeV Target: Deuteron Trigger: three-sector triggering Advantage: neutron, high resonance state Disadvantage: few-particle final state 11/11/2018
Motivation II g D-> K+ S*-(p) --->Lp- g D-> K0 L (p) L->p p- g D-> K+ L (n) for normalization reference and other physics 11/11/2018
Physics Motivation Hyperon self-analyzing property N*->KY, search for “missing” states and KY coupling Y* spectrum, constraint on SU(3) of decuplet baryons KN coupling, comparison with pN YN Final state interaction 11/11/2018
World Data Ref. 1 PRL 102, 012501 (2009) 11/11/2018
Self Analyzing 11/11/2018
Parity 11/11/2018
Polarization 11/11/2018
Polarization II 11/11/2018
Cross Section dN/dt=ls N=Ls s=N/L= Y: yield A: acceptance 11/11/2018
KS*- Final Particles: (P) (K+) P p- p- Middle-step particles: L 1.115MeV Final particle: S*- 1.385MeV 11/11/2018
Old Particle Identification GeV 11/11/2018 GeV
Particle Identification GeV 11/11/2018 GeV
Particle Identification II GeV 11/11/2018 GeV
L Reconstruction GeV GeV 11/11/2018
L Reconstruction II GeV GeV 11/11/2018
Sigma VS Missing Mass GeV GeV 11/11/2018
Sigma VS Missing Mass II GeV GeV 11/11/2018
Sigma Yield Fit 11/11/2018
Sigma Yield Fit II 11/11/2018
Yield 11/11/2018
Trigger Correction 11/11/2018
Trigger Correction II 11/11/2018
GFlux Normalization 11/11/2018
GFlux Normalization II 11/11/2018
KL Production Two cases: K+L: K+ pp- K0L: p+p- pp- 11/11/2018
K+L Production 11/11/2018
Fit and Yield 11/11/2018
Trigger & GFlux Correction 11/11/2018
K0L Production GeV GeV 11/11/2018
Fit and Yield 11/11/2018
Trigger & GFlux Correction 11/11/2018
Reference K. Hicks, etc. Phys. Rev. L 102, 012501 (2009) Y. Oh, etc. Phys. Rev. C 77,045204 (2008) M. Do¨ring, etc. Phys. Rev. C 73,045209 (2006) 11/11/2018
K* 11/11/2018
Work need to be done Get yield, acceptance, correction factor Cuts: Timing cuts: vertex time cut, photon time cut, PID cut Channel cuts: missing mass cut, invariant mass cut, yield fit range cut Fiducial cuts: proton momentum cut, theta-phi cut for each particle, DC wire cut 11/11/2018
Work need to be done II Correction Factor: tagger efficiency correction, un/trigger correction 11/11/2018
To do Run simulation to get acceptance Steer the simulation to get correct t slope Check all cuts and correction factor by showing histograms before and after correction Compare simulation and data by showing pivot histograms Get Cross section Error propagation calculation 11/11/2018