Use of Transportation Network Companies among MARTA Patrons 2018 Update Robin Salter, PhD Department of Planning, Office of Research & Analysis Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority February 26, 2018
Second study of TNC usage among MARTA patrons Methodology Second study of TNC usage among MARTA patrons 1,327 Intercepts on rail platforms and onboard fixed route buses during October 2017 – January 2018 Validation study
TNCs in Local News
Awareness & Usage in Atlanta Metro Area In 2015, 37% of patrons had used Uber or Lyft at least once, and now almost that many use a TNC at least once per week.
TNCs – Used With or Instead of MARTA? 65% of trips are during the week – am/pm rush hours and evenings. About one-half cost less than $10 Mention some of the MARTA promotions here.
Motivations for Using a TNC Top reasons for using a TNC to travel to or from MARTA: Faster travel time (47%) Less wait time (32%) No other travel mode available (20%) Reliability (14%) Bad weather (9%) Top reasons for using a TNC instead of MARTA: Faster travel time (58%) Less wait time (30%) Reliability (13%) Bad weather (8%) Personal safety (7%)
57% 43% Sample 4 MARTA Patrons Who Have Used A TNC Limited or no access to vehicle 43% 64% Use a TNC at least one day per week. 75% Ride both bus and rail. Use TNCs for work commute (48%). 5 out of 10 Unlimited access to vehicle 57% 35% Use a TNC at least one day per week. 22% Ride both bus and rail. Use TNCs for work commute (26%). 3 out of 10 89% ride 3+ days per week 77% ride 3+ days per week
Impact of TNC Use on Travel Choices
Lessons Learned & Next Research Steps Use of TNCs among MARTA riders has doubled since 2015 Study more frequently ID questions to track ongoing – stakeholder input More info sharing across agencies There is a need to further explore TNC customer segments Continue data collection on current study – increase sample Identify needs of consumer segments; post survey focus groups Geographic analyses Will need to track more frequently to stay on top of fast paced growth and potential changes in rider behavior Full study annually Ongoing tracking of key questions