A decent-at-best presentation by Henry Alexander Politics are funny? A decent-at-best presentation by Henry Alexander
Why Laugh? Exhaustive research yields little empirical evidence on effectiveness of giggling
But seriously… Most political humor can be categorized as satire or parody and… Some dude did say something useful about the use of parody. “…Parody and related forms of political humor are essential resources for sustaining public culture.” Robert Harimon Essentially, the performance of parody gives us a chance to “step outside ourselves”, and creates a type of checks and balance system so that we don’t get super insulated.
Assuming we know what insulated means….
Who’s Making You laugh? Big budget pro humorists? Small budget pro humorists? Joe the humorist? Conservative comedians Moronic or oxymoronic? Examples let you use other peoples hard work to make your presentation longer.
Let me ask you this… Which is more effective? Why? Does it even matter? Harry Potter turns kids into Satanists!!!
Isn’t this a class about the web though? Yes, we study politics through the web and other digital media. So how much funnier is the web? Humor on the web is different in pretty much the same way everything else that we’ve discussed is different when it goes digital.
The End Kthxbye!