Market Maker Credit Card Suite Virtual Enterprise Project IVEsa
Anywhere, Anytime, Life…
System to facilitate automated transactions. Credit Card System to facilitate automated transactions. Linked to bank account Instantaneous transfer of funds from consumer to retailer Retailers receive itemized invoices Interest on account balance Payment due date Late payment penalty
Intuitive shopping cart for student use. Order Interface Intuitive shopping cart for student use. Student retailers enter product specs on webpage Retailers can modify items on web page Shopping cart is automatically generated for consumers Directly interfaces with bank and credit card system
Student Outcomes Increased volume of transactions in network Build novice accounting skills Firsthand experience with pricing in a free market economy Responsibility of managing credit and debt Easily reach out to peers around the globe
Instructor’s Benefits Transaction assignments easier to conduct Technology education added to VE Debt management added to VE Student Interactions are automatically logged for instructor review
Market Maker Credit Card Suite Extended functionality to existing virtual marketplace Access to virtual e-commerce environment Simulates Enterprise Resource Management Dynamic systems are automated and customizable Intuitive, user friendly interface
Project meetings…..$100
Pizza….$24 + Tip
Tech Book…….$80
Interactive Credit Card and Order Interface……PRICELESS