Private Network Laid Over ThinCPEs routing area related work draft-dunbar-opsawg-private-networks-over-thin-cpe Linda Dunbar, Lucy Yong, XiaoLin Song
More than SD-WAN Like SD-WAN But different from SD-WAN IP tunnels are automatically established among Thin-CPEs, But different from SD-WAN there are interactions with the underlay network (even though the interaction to underlay network is transparent to users), there are gateways (for private networks) instantiated in the underlay network to establish secure connections between Thin-CPEs and the gateways, and Virtual Functions instantiated in the underlay networks to guarantee policies on Security, QoS, and other Value Added service.
Key Differences from L3VPN, L2VPN SD-WAN L3SM WAN/POP site site L3VPN, L2VPN SD-WAN Provider network, PE<-> CE protocol PE <-> PE protocols Number of VPNs are much larger, thousands or even 10s of thousands Underlay network can be IP, MPLS, L3VPN, L2 or L0 No visibility to CE<-> PE, or PE<->PE protocol in underlay networks
Needed Work in Routing Area Massive jungle of on the wire encaps Lack of standardized control plane For dynamic discovery between Overlay and the underlay For controlling the desired policies and QoS Fault isolation/identification (control plane, data plane, management plane) Some of the protocol work described by applicable, such as: Interface Characteristics, Relay Behavior, Interface Forwarding Algorithm, Router Discovery, Prefix Delegation and Autoconfiguration, Interface Route Optimization, etc. (not to say the protocols described are 100% correct & applicable). Some items described in "draft-kanugovi-intarea-mams-protocol-01" are applicable too, such as Access technology agnostic interworking Independent Access path selection for Uplink and Downlink IP anchor selection independent of uplink and downlink access Adaptive network path selection Configuring network middleboxes based on negotiated protocols CE Based VPN?
Next Step: Solicit input, comments, and co-authors from the community Is there any interest to work on this domain?