Queries raised by Director (Tariff) on ARR and Tariff Application of CESU for FY 2010-11 on 17.02.2010
CESU may submit information whether the following consumers have been provided with static meters to measure power factor directly. LT category 1. LT Industrial (M) Supply 2. Public Water Works and Sewerage pumping >22 KVA HT Category 3. Specified Public Purpose 4. General Purpose <110 KVA 5. HT Industrial (M) Supply
CESU has proposed demand charges to be levied on Small and Medium Industries availing power supply at LT with CD >10 KW. In this connection we would like to know whether these consumers are having static meters to record demand in KVA. CESU has proposed Demand charges for supply of power to CGPs beyond 72 hours of supply. CESU may submit the basis of fixing 72 hours as cut off hour after which demand charge can be imposed. CESU is required to submit each individual bill of HT and EHT consumers for FY 2009-10 (i.e. upto December, 2009) with necessary computations of average rates thereof to enable the Commission to verify the same with the average rates per unit as approved in the Tariff Order 2009-10. CESU should submit a plan for further reduction of cross-subsidy payable by the HT and EHT consumers.
CESU should submit T-6 Format (Upto Dec, 09). It is observed from SLDC online data from 15th January, 2010 to 7th February, 2010 that CESU has not adhered to the protocol issued by the Commission on Power Regulation dtd. 14.01.2010 and violated the implementable day ahead schedule of SLDC as a result of which the licensee has overdrawn during these days except on 31st Jan., 4th, 6th and 7th Feb., 2010 totaling to 23.62 MU more than its entitlement. This has an UI impact of Rs. 9.73 cr. CESU may explain reasons of such over-drawal and non-adherence to Commission’s protocol on Power Regulation. As per a tentative estimate, if Bachat Lamp Yojana of BEE is adopted in mission mode throughout CESU, then annual saving of energy would be about 803 MU resulting in less drawal of 155 MW in evening peak hours from the State Grid. CESU may intimate the status of implementation of Bachat Lamp Yojana at this acute shortage of power under which State is passing through.
The salaries, wages, allowances reflected in Schedule-15 of the audited accounts for 2007-08 show a quantum jump from Rs.99.45 cr. during 2006-07 to Rs.174.24 cr. during 2007-08. CESU is, therefore, required to explain the reasons for such quantum jump by bifurcating the different components attributable to such increase. The audited data for employees (excluding contractual and outsource employee) cost for 2006-07 and 2007-08 excluding pay revision impact, if any, may be furnished in Form F-21. The huge projection in addition of regular employees from 5235 nos. as on 31.03.2010 to 11091 as on 31.03.2011 may be explained. The licensee is required to submit interest earning from consumer security deposit for the financial year 2007-08, 2008-09 & 2009-10 by way of investment in various instruments. Further the licensee is required to furnish the income from other sources like supervision charges etc. for the above period. Utilisation of A&G expenses over and above the normal rise allowed by the Commission for 2008-09 and 2009-10 may be furnished.