Final Presentation Elderly personal care Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Transfer
Non-Profit Institution Competition We consider competition any business or institution that provides the same service that we offer. Business Company Non-Profit Institution
Competition In order to get some information of the services provided by our competition we created a real case and got in touch with the competition. Mr. Firmino 81 years old Need company to doctor's appointments Need help in home with basic daily tasks
Competition Business Company Problems that we found: Very complicated. No price information/Transparency on price information. Not all companies provide all the services that we want to. Some cases needed to schedule a house evaluation. Many don’t provide one-off services. Falar que as empresas nao teem interese em levar a uma consulta porque eles teem consulta ao domicilio
Transportation to appointments Competition Business Company Service Daycare Transportation to appointments Home appointment Price 6-8€/hour 8-9€/hour 60€ Note: Daycare price is with contract.
Competition Business Company PT Medical Comfort Keepers Wecare Trimicilio
Competition Non-Profit Institution We approached non-profit organizations as the firefighters, parish councils, “Santa casa da misericórdia”, and nursing homes. The first thing that we noticed was that some services are free but other are paid.
Competition Non-Profit Institution Problems of the free services: Lack of particulars. Limit of vacancies. Only some services are available.
Competition Non-Profit Institution Example of a free services Provides a bus ride to the shopping and hospital every wednesdays and fridays.
Competition Non-Profit Institution Problems of the paid services: High price. Not great service quality. Limited availability.
Competition Non-Profit Institution Example of a paid services: Provides transport to the hospital From Belas to Hospital Francisco Xavier (+- 12km) charges 40€ ( 80€ to go and came back home)
Value Proposition With this we think that our best values are: Transparency We provide all details (price, time, etc) and easy to use. Punctual Service One time only service, no need for contract. Immediate Service No need for schedule or waiting.
Value Proposition Conclusion The objective is to offer a transparent and instantaneous service, without compromise or contract Our platform will provide this service in the most comfortable and simple way, by an app for mobile devices and website
Market Focus We decided to focus on the following markets People with ages between 35 to 45 years old who have elders, normally family, under their care and aren’t available to attend their needs. As well as elders who have no one to look after them and need certain attendance on their everyday life.
Market Focus Why these markets? People in that age group have higher probability of having a family member who needs their attention. Older people are the ones with most difficulty on having a normal and comfortable life with all their health and aging problems.
Market Focus What about the rest of the people who need assistance as well? Doesn’t mean we can’t include them on our platform and provide our services to them. But as the general population is aged we would have a bigger market there and the older people are the ones with most difficulties on getting the attendance they need.
Technology Our idea doesn’t involve a high end technology set as the platform we offer is composed by the following sub platforms. Mobile app Website Call Center
Operations Plan
Operations Plan Market Approach Advertisement and presentations on health care facilities and nursing homes. Direct contact with the possible professionals.
Operations Plan For the sake of ours customers safety and trust we look to have some minimum requirements met from our partners. Transportation and companion services. Health services.
Customer Relationship Business Model Canvas Key Partners Companions Social Assistants Nurses Physiotherapists Psychologist Key Activities Recruitment and Continuous Evaluation of Partners Maintenance and Development of WebSite and Mobile App Value Proposition Offer a Service to Elders in a transparent and instantaneous way Customer Relationship Call Center Automatized Service Customer Segments People with elders to care Key Resources Website Mobile App Channels Social Network Partners Communication AppStore Ratings Cost Structure Employees Salary Payment made to Partner for his service Initial Investment in Informatic Equipment Revenue Streams Charge for service performed by Partner Na parte dos custos, revelar a % que cada item corresponde na totalidade dos custos
Financial Plan Volume of Business: First 6 months: 6000 hours of Exterior Escort 6000 hours de Home Support 5000 hours de Basic Health Care Total: 18.050h, 23.000€ 1000 hours de Physiotherapy 50 hours de Psychology
Financial Plan (1)
Financial Plan (2) Initial Investment: 10.000€ for equipment. Variable and Fixed Costs: Major Cost: Comissions for partners Other Costs: Rents Publicity
Financial Plan (3)
Financial Plan (4) 2017 2018 2019 Volume de Negócios 92.000 416.588 717.810 FSE - CV 38.910 323.025 551.058 FSE - CF 4.440 10.656 12.787 Custos Pessoal 39.301 118.559 128.165 Resultado Líquido 6.270 -36.790 25.906