Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust Annual Members Meeting Celebrating our successes in the NHS’s 70th Birthday year Dr Ros Tolcher, Chief Executive 3rd September 2018
Performance in 2017/18 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YTD Performance Indicator Description Target Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YTD RTT - incomplete - % in 18 weeks >=92% 93.8% 92.3% 91.9% 90.4% 92.1% Trust total - Total time in A&E - % within 4 hours >=95% 96.7% 96.0% 94.9% 92.8% 95.2% All Cancers: 14 Days Target >=93% 96.4% 98.4% 98.8% 96.6% 97.5% All Cancers: 14 Days Target All Breast Referrals 95.7% 96.3% 89.4% 94.4% All Cancers: 31 Day Target - 1st Treatment >=96% 99.6% 98.9% 99.2% All Cancers: 31 Day Target - Subsequent Treatment - Surgery >=94% 98.1% 97.1% 97.6% 97.3% All Cancers: 31 Day Target - Subsequent Treatment - Drug treatment >=98% 100.0% 99.1% 99.8% All Cancers: 31 Day Target - Subsequent Treatment - Radiotherapy NA All Cancers: 62 Day Target >=85% 86.0% 88.9% 90.5% 90.6% 89.0% no MRSA no mixed sex accommodation breaches 7 cases of c.difficile in 12 months
A&E performance (July 2018)
62-day wait from urgent GP referral (July 2018)
Community Children’s services 10-14 day new birth visit 2 and a half year review P
Number of participating trusts National Patient Surveys Survey name HDFT Survey ranking Number of participating trusts National Cancer Survey 2016 3rd 146 National ED Survey 2016 (pub Oct 2017) 1st (joint) 137 National Maternity Survey 2017 45th 130 National Inpatient Survey 2017 48th 148 RESPECTFUL | RESPONSIBLE | PASSIONATE
The HDFT Quality Charter
Investing in new services to support high quality care Supported Discharge Service Palliative care comfort bags Free public Wi-Fi at Harrogate District Hospital Carers passport
Upgrading our facilities New Sterile Services Facility New Endoscopy suite Emergency Department expansion and upgrades Children's outpatients upgrade
Community Children’s services successes! In 2017 we won three new community children’s services contracts, culminating in the transfer of services at the start of 2018/19 Our fabulous Youth Forum is playing a leading role in our children's strategy ‘Hopes for Health’
Hopes for health Led by the Youth Forum Use of social media Engagement in schools led by the Youth Forum
Private healthcare at Harrogate Harlow Our newly refurbished Private Patient Unit has 10 beds and offers first class private healthcare All profit reinvested into our NHS services
Harrogate Healthcare Facilities Management In March we launched HHFM, our wholly owned subsidiary company dedicated to delivering excellent support services to HDFT They provide our estates, sterile services, portering and domestic services, including all of the meals for patients and staff
Social media @HarrogateNHSFT https://www.facebook.com/HarrogateDistrictNHS/
Big ticket issues for 2018/19 Tackling workforce challenges Managing the money; £10.2m savings plan Working with local partners Welcoming Children's Community services in Gateshead, Sunderland, and Stockton Estate and IT renewal Patient and public participation CQC Inspection
Our work in 2018/19 is based on four themes: Caring for our people So that high quality care is provided by substantive staff who feel valued; supported and engaged Caring for our services and the people who use them So that care is provided in the best place based on clinical need and people receive timely and safe care Caring for our money So that we live within our means Caring for our system So that the whole system is sustainable and balanced
And finally….. An example of how we are tackling workforce challenges