WCPFC CMM Reporting Obligations & Compliance Monitoring Scheme Tuna Data Workshop 25 – 29 April 2016 SPC, Noumea
Overview Background WCPFC Reporting Requirements Presentation made by Compliance Manager to internal meeting on IMS developments Tuesday 24 March 2015 Overview Background WCPFC Reporting Requirements CMM reporting requirements Other decisions Scientific Data to be provided to the Commission (SPC) Reported through Annual Report Part 1 (Addendum) Suggested checklist http://www.wcpfc.int/compliance-monitoring Compliance Monitoring Scheme (CMS) CMS process (CMM 2015-07) Compliance Monitoring Report (CMR) General issues This presentation will focus on reporting requirements (RR) in CMMs and other decisions, which are required to be reported in Annual Report Part 1, focusing on those RRs that comes through the Addendum to AR Part 1
40 international participants 26 Members (FFA) Australia, Cook Islands, FSM, Fiji, Kiribati, RMI, Nauru, NZ, Niue, Palau, PNG, Samoa, Solomon, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu (Non-FFA) Canada, China, EU, France, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Chinese Taipei, USA 7 Territories A. Samoa, CNMI, F. Polynesia, Guam, New Caledonia, Tokelau, Wallis and Futuna 8 Cooperating Non-Members Ecuador, El Salvador, Liberia, Mexico, Panama, Thailand and Vietnam.
Conservation and Management Measures (CMMs) CMMs describe binding decisions relating to conservation and management measures. Resolution – non-binding 5 Resolutions and 42 CMMs; 12 in AR Part 1 Addendum Part 1 Template and Addendum at http://www.wcpfc.int/guidelines-procedures-and-regulations Full text of CMMs at http://www.wcpfc.int/conservation-and-management-measures on Interpreting Commission Decisions: To clarify the legal implications of the range of decisions that the WCPFC may take, WCPFC 2 (see WCPFC/Comm2/29 14 December 2005) adopted the following nomenclature for its decisions. Resolutions describe non-binding statements and recommendations addressed to members of the Commission and Cooperating non-members. Such Resolutions are sequentially numbered and include the year of adoption. Conservation and Management Measures describe binding decisions relating to conservation and management measures. Such decisions are sequentially numbered and include the year of adoption. Other Decisions of the Commission describe all other decisions made by the Commission. * 12 CMMs (out of the 42 CMMs) are in the Addendum to AR Part 1; 1 of these 12 ie. CMM 2010-07 Sharks para 4 is under the Resolve section; so the presentation will only be on the 11 CMMs + Other decisions
NP Albacore & Striped Marlin CMM 2005-03 In 2015, did you have flagged (chartered) vessels that operated in the applicable area? Did your vessels catch these species? CMM 2005-03 4. All CCMs shall report annually to the WCPFC Commission all catches of albacore north of the equator and all fishing effort north of the equator in fisheries directed at albacore. The reports for both catch and fishing effort shall be made by gear type. Catches shall be reported in terms of weight. Fishing effort shall be reported in terms of the most relevant measures for a given gear type, including at a minimum for all gear types, the number of vessel-days fished.1 footnote 1: The first such report shall be due on April 30th, 2006 and shall cover calendar year 2004. Small Island Developing States will make their best efforts to comply with this first reporting deadline. *Note: WCPFC10 clarified that this reporting responsibility lies with the flag State. CMM 2006-04 4. In accordance with paragraph 1, CCMs shall provide information to the Commission, by 1 July 2007, on the number of their vessels that have fished for striped marlin in the Convention area south of 15°S, during the period 2000 – 2004, and in doing so, nominate the maximum number of vessels that shall continue to be permitted to fish for striped marlin in the area south of 15°S. CCMs shall report annually to the Commission the catch levels of their fishing vessels that have taken striped marlin as a bycatch as well as the number and catch levels of vessels fishing for striped marlin in the Convention Area south of 15°S. Note: In 2015, did you have flagged (chartered) vessels that operated in the relevant CMM area of application? And did your vessels catch this species? If YES to both questions – then the reporting provisions of these CMMs would be applicable CMM 2006-04
Swordfish CMM 2009-03 8. CCMs shall report to the Commission the total number of vessels that fished for swordfish and the total catch of swordfish for the following: a. vessels flying their flag anywhere in the Convention Area south of 20°S other than vessels operating under charter, lease or other similar mechanism as part of the domestic fishery of another CCM; b. vessels operating under charter, lease or other similar mechanism as part of their domestic fishery south of 20°S; and does this refer to vessels only notified under charter scheme? c. any other vessels fishing within their waters south of 20°S. This information shall be provided in Part 1of each CCM’s annual report. *Note: WCPFC11 confirmed a common understanding that “total catch” in this reporting requirement refers to both targeted and bycatch catches of swordfish. Note: In 2015, did you have flagged (chartered) vessels that operated in the relevant CMM area of application? And did your vessels catch this species? If YES to both questions – then the reporting provisions of these CMMs would be applicable CMM 2009-03 1. In 2015, did you have flagged (chartered) vessels that operated in this area? 2. Did your vessels catch swordfish?
Remember: Guidelines in Annex II Transhipment CMM 2009-06 1. In 2015, did you have flagged vessels that transshipped? (in port, in EEZ areas or in high seas) 2. If YES, this reporting requirement is applicable Remember: Guidelines in Annex II CMM 2009-03 11. CCMs shall report on all transhipment activities covered by this Measure (including transhipment activities that occur in ports or EEZs) as part of their Annual Report in accordance with the guidelines at Annex II. In doing so, CCMs shall take all reasonable steps to validate and where possible, correct information received from vessels undertaking transhipment using all available information such as catch and effort data, position data, observer reports and port monitoring data Specific fields to be reported on as listed in Annex II of CMM 2009-06. - Emphasize the need to report on all fields in Annex II (this is where most have problems in previous years) Historically, this is one of the obligations most CCMs were non-compliant with - (3 CCMs from FFA group were non-compliant/PNC with this last year) Note para 2: The provisions of this Measure shall apply to all transhipment in the Convention Area of all highly migratory fish stocks covered by the Convention. CCMs that tranship outside the Convention Area highly migratory fish stocks covered by the Convention taken in the Convention Area shall provide the information related to those activities, as required in paragraphs 10, 11 and 12. Highly migratory fish stocks covered by the Convention shall not be transhipped at sea by purse seine vessels outside the Convention Area consistent with paragraph 25 of this measure.
South Pacific Albacore CMM 2010-05 4. CCMs shall report annually to the Commission the catch levels of their fishing vessels that have taken South Pacific Albacore as a bycatch as well as the number and catch levels of vessels actively fishing for South Pacific albacore in the Convention area south of 20°S. Initially this information will be provided for the period 2006-2010 and then updated annually. Note in practice, this is implemented through the reporting in AR Pt 1 Note: In 2015, did you have flagged (chartered) vessels that operated in the relevant CMM area of application? And did your vessels catch this species? If YES to both questions – then the reporting provisions of these CMMs would be applicable (Last year all SPC CCMs (who are SPC members) were compliant with this reporting obligation CMM 2010-05 1. In 2015, did you have flagged (chartered) vessels that operated in this area? 2. Did your vessels catch albacore?
Bycatch CMM 2011-04 Oceanic Whitetip CMM 2012-04 Whale Sharks CMM 2011-03 Cetaceans CMM 2011-04 Oceanic Whitetip CMM 2012-04 Whale Sharks CMM 2012-07 Seabirds (there is a prescribed template – Annex II) Reporting requirements for these CMMs are not area specific - for Convention Area Relevant para: CMM 2011-03 para 4 CMM 2011-04 para 3 * CMM 2012-04 para 6 CMM 2012-07 para 9: In 2015, did you have flagged vessels that fished? If YES – this reporting provision would be applicable (there is a prescribed template attached to the CMM, as Annex II) CMM 2013-08 para para 3 *effective 1 July 2014 CMM 2012-07 09. CCMs shall annually provide to the Commission, in Part 1 of their annual reports, all available information on interactions with seabirds reported or collected by observers, including mitigation used, observed and reported species specific seabird bycatch rates and numbers, to enable the Scientific Committee to estimate seabird mortality in all fisheries to which the WCPFC Convention applies. See Annex 2 for Part 1 reporting template guideline. Alternatively, statistically rigorous estimates of speciesspecific seabird interaction rates (for longline, interactions per 1,000 hooks) and total numbers should be reported. Reporting for CMMs on Cetaceans, OCS, Silky Sharks, Whale Sharks The CMM requires that CCMs ensure their vessels report instances of fishery interactions with species of special interest. Did your flagged vessels report instances of any interactions with species of special interest (as specified in relevant CMMs)? If YES, then a report is expected which meets the requirement of the CMM? If NO, you may like to check the ROP observer reported information, because this may suggest that reporting was incomplete by your vessels? CMM 2013-08 Silky Sharks Another source of information: Observer reports
Other decisions – LL Coverage CCMs are expected to include in Annual Report Part 1 their reported longline observer coverage for the previous calendar year (WCPFC 11 para 484 (b) Sample format In 2015, did you have flagged vessels that operate in the high seas of the Convention Area or in more than one EEZ? If YES, this reporting requirement is applicable WCPFC Circular 2015-08 (also see paragraphs 483 – 486 of WCPFC11 Summary Report) Include in Annual Report Part 1 longline observer coverage for the 2015 calendar year
Mass Balance Reconciliation WCPFC12 Summary Report para 532 The Commission accepted TCC11’s recommendations with the Secretariat’s proposed modifications to the 2016 Mass Balance Reconciliation tasking and adopted the report of the CDS-IWG (WCPFC12-2015-19c) and the 2016 CDS-IWG work plan (Attachment T). Excerpt from WCPFC12 Summary Report Attachment T The CDS-IWG agreed to 1. recommend that CCMs are encouraged to include in Annual Report Part 1, in standardized format, the information outlined in DP03 Table 1 and Table 2. For the purposes of the trial, CCMs are encouraged where available to include these tables (the information outlined in DP03 Table 1 and Table 2) related to the 2013 calendar year in their 2016 Annual Report Part 1 (so that there is at least one common year that can be the basis of the first trial MBR). NOTE: WCPFC11 agreed that CCMs will confirm if they have nothing to report on obligations when completing Annual Reports to make it clear to the Secretariat that this obligation has been considered (WCPFC11 para 430 (iii)
WCPFC Port coordinators trial programme WCPFC11 agreed to establish a trial WCPFC port coordinators programme Currently in its 2nd/final year, subject to review at WCPFC 13 Relevant members: FSM, KI, PNG, SI, RMI Relevant Members, SPC-OFP and WCPFC Secretariat will jointly report to SC and TCC (in 2015 and 2016), on the implementation of the trial WCPFC port coordinators programme. See initial report to TCC 11 in 2015: http://www.wcpfc.int/meetings/11th-regular-session-technical-and-compliance-committee
Annual Report Part 2 + Compliance Monitoring Report
Online Reporting WCPFC intranet: https://intra.wcpfc.int Checklist questions in AR Part 2 of RRs that are required to be reported in AR Part 1: CMM 2005-03 para 3 & 4 CMM 2006-04 para 4 CMM 2009-03 para 8 CMM 2009-06 para 11 CMM 2010-05 para 4 CMM 2011-03 para 4 CMM 2011-04 para 3 CMM 2012-04 para 6 CMM 2012-07 para 9 CMM 2013-08 para 3 If you were non-compliant with any of the relevant obligations last year, you need to do “Addressing CMR-2014 issues” as well
CMM 2015-07 CMS : the process Capacity Development Plan: CMM 2015-07 para 5 Status Report: CMM 2015-07 para 8 New status in Annex 1 CMM 2015-07
Extract from 2015 Final CMR covering 2014 activities CMM and paragraph CCMs CMR section CK FJ FM KI MH NC NR NU NZ PF PG PW SB TK TO TV VU WF WS CMM 2007-01 Attachment K Annex C 06 v 3 5 4 1 vii CMM 2009-03 01 i CMM 2009-03 02 CMM 2009-03 03 CMM 2009-03 08 ii CMM 2009-06 11 CMM 2010-05 01 CMM 2010-05 04 Convention Article 23 2 (b) Convention Article 23 2 (c) SciData 01 vi SciData 02 SciData 03 2 SciData 04 SciData 05 SciData 07 Extract from the 2015 Final CMR – for the relevant CMM and para See Attachment W of WCPFC12 Summary Report at http://www.wcpfc.int/system/files/WCPFC12%20Summary%20Report_final1.pdf for 2015 Final CMR covering 2013 activities
General comments Confirm if you have nothing to report eg. “there was no seabird interaction” Some reporting requirements are area specific eg. SP ALB – S 20 S Some reporting requirements have reporting guidelines/templates eg. transhipment, seabird Report on what you are ask to report on – refer to language of CMM Annual Report Part 1 due 4 July 2016 To: Anthony.Beeching@wcpfc.int and contact.ar@wcpfc.int
Thank you