BELLWORK: 11/8 Today we are going to begin our study of “limited wars” with a case study of the Falklands/Malvina War. To begin, read “The Global Context” section on page 39. List one problem in both Britain and Argentina that contributed to political/economic instability. How did the Cold War complicate the situation in the Falklands? Why was Reagan forced to choose between Argentina and Britain? Who do you think he sided with? Why? THINKER: What makes a war “limited?” Give examples!
The Malvinas/Falklands War (1982) A Limited War Case Study
Overview Between Argentina and England Resulted from long-standing dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, South Georgia & Sandwich Islands Different claims to territories began in 1820 1965-1982: UN negotiations Conflict began on 2 April 1982, when Argentine forces invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands and South Georgia (claimed by England) Lasted 74 days and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982 (islands were returned to England) Led to increased patriotism, fall of the military government in Argentina, success of Margaret Thatcher, and changing cultural perspectives.
Who is the “Iron Lady?” Discuss Why was Margaret Thatcher such a controversial political figure?
BELLWORK: November 9th Explain the differing claims over control of the Falklands. Why did both sides want control? How did the domestic problems in both Britain and Argentina increase the probability of war between the countries? Describe the causes/effects of the incident on South Georgia Island. THINKER: Many historians argue that the Falklands war happened because of a lack of clarity/goals from each side. To what extent do you agree with this? Give examples from both Arg and UK this prove this point.
Argentina and Britain’s pre-war relationship…...
Explain the differing claims over control of the Falklands.
Why did both sides want control of the Falklands?
Economic Problems - UK
Britain was forced to cut military spending as a result of economic problems….. Golden opportunity????
Economic Problems - Argentina (Graph of exported goods)
The failure of the Federal Bank in Argentina led to several bank runs throughout the country; 1980
Describe the changes in government in Britain and Argentina prior to the conflict. What political problems did each country face?
Protests break out in Argentina over the rise of military juntas; 1979
Describe the causes/effects of the incident on South Georgia Island.
HMS Endurance at Mar del Plata naval base, during her trip to the Falklands on February 1982
Route of the HMS Endurance How did the movement of the HMS Endurance correspond with Argentine military plans?
Partner Discussion THINKER: Many historians argue that the Falklands war happened because of a lack of clarity/goals from each side. To what extent do you agree with this? Give examples from both Argentina and UK this prove this point.
Britain Argentina Advantages/ Strengths (Include weapon advances) Britain Argentina Advantages/ Strengths (Include weapon advances) Disadvantages/ Weaknesses Goals Strategies (Include specific war plans)
HOMEWORK Read about the combatants, strategies, and operations of the Falklands War. Pages 45-53 with annotations!