Title: Glacial Erosion and Deposition Page: 82 Date: 3/5/2013 Table of Contents Title: Glacial Erosion and Deposition Page: 82 Date: 3/5/2013
Objective Students will be able to identify features of glacial erosion and deposition.
Word of the Day There’s lots of ‘em.
Glacial Erosion As a glacier moves it breaks pieces of rocks of valley walls and floors in a process called Plucking. When a glacier flows over more rock, broken bits of rock in it act as sandpaper, scratching the bedrock. Striations: small scratches Grooves: large scratches Both will indicate the direction of movement.
Glacial Erosion Features of Glacial Erosion: Cirque: Scooped out depressions Arete: Sharp steep ridge between two cirques Horn: Steep pyramid shaped peak carved by three or more glaciers Hanging Valley: Form when a small glacier feeds a large glacier and they both melt Leaves behind waterfalls.
Cirque Arete
Hanging Valley Horn: Matterhorn in Switzerland Extremely famous!
Glacial Deposition Till: Unsorted rocks that glaciers pick up. Moraine: Unsorted ridge of till that is deposited when glacier melts. Terminal Moraine: Moraine at the end of a glacier. Lateral Moraine: Located parallel to the direction of glacial flow.
Terminal Moraines Lateral Moraine
Glacial Deposition Outwash: Sorted gravel, sand and silt that is deposited by meltwater. Outwash Plain: Area where outwash is deposited.
Glacial Outwash Glacial Outwash Plain
Glacial Deposition Drumlins, Eskers and Kames: Drumlin: Formed when continental glaciers flow over old moraines. The old moraines get shaped into straight ridges. Esker: Long ridges of sediments left behind by streams that flowed under glacier. Kame: Conical mound of sediment left behind when glaciers melt.
Drumlin Esker Kame
Glacial Lakes Kettles: When chunks of ice break off a glacier, they create depressions. When Ice melts those depressions fill with rain water creating a lake. Common in Massachusetts and New York. Walden Pond is a Kettle!
Kettle lakes Walden Pond
Glacial Lakes Cirques may also fill with water to form a lake. Moraine Dam: When a terminal moraine blocks off a valley, the valley will fill with water and create a lake. Example: The Great Lakes.
How come Great Lakes are not one Giant lake?