FSHN Laboratory Safety Seminar August 22, 2012 FSB HNSB FSHN Laboratory Safety Seminar August 22, 2012 MacKay Randal Foster Office Phone: 294-0861 Office: 2008 HNSB Email: randalf@iastate.edu NWRC
Outline Updates AWARENESS Safety Video Questions, Comments, and Answers
Glassware Disposal Make sure all glassware is clean and dry Seal used glassware in a cardboard box and label as glass Leave at trash collection site and schedule removal with facilities PLEASE DO NOT: Use glassware disposal boxes for general lab waste Throw away contaminated glassware All contaminated glassware disposal should be coordinated through EH&S
Nitric Acid Nitric acid is now on the DHS watch list due to its potential for misuse in the wrong hands Please control all stocks of nitric acid and maintain an accurate inventory with EH&S Do not transfer nitric acid between labs without informing EH&S
Reminder for new lab employees Before starting work in a lab:
New Safety Information Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Laboratory Safety website has improved (again).
Important Safety Reminder Treatment for a lab- or work-related injury Even if you think the injury is too minor to do so, you must report the injury to your supervisor who will assist you in seeking medical treatment. When seeking treatment remember to bring MSDS &/or other safety info with you. Please notify medical staff that the treatment is due to a workplace injury or illness, so that they can initiate the proper paper work. Type of treatment Lab- &/or work-related injuries REPORT TO: first aid (minor injury requiring about 1 doctor visit - i.e. minor cut, burn, bee sting) longer term injury or illness after hours (M-F 5-9pm, SS 10am-6pm) life threatening (or after 9pm M-F, after 6pm SS) employees (faculty, staff, grad student in the lab - i.e. on the job) Occupational Medicine Office, G11 TASF 294-2056 Occupational Medicine, McFarland Clinic, 1215 Duff Ave 239-4496 McFarland Urgent Care Clinic, 1018 Duff Ave 956-4044 Emergency Room at Mary Greeley Medical Center, 1111 Duff Ave 911 or 239-2155 (report incident to EH&S ASAP) undergrad students Thielen Student Health Center, corner of Sheldon Ave & Union Dr 294-5802
Reminder: Emergencies If you call 911 on a university landline you will be routed to campus police dispatch If you call 911 on a cell phone you will be routed to a state dispatch If time is critical, you can call 294-4428 from your cell and reach ISU dispatch DO NOT HANG UP until you are sure the dispatcher has your location
Reminder: Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Located in the Environmental Health and Safety Services Building (EHSSB) They are very nice and dedicated to making sure we stay safe on campus They have lots of great information on their site and in their building and encourage questions Can be reached: 294-5359 or at ehsinfo@iastate.edu
Reminder Contact FPM by calling 4-5100 for routine maintenance work, such as: Too hot or cold in your room, Door lock problem, Roof leak, Plumbing or electrical problem, To replace light bulb in fume hood. You should also call FP&M for routine maintenance work such as the items listed.
Reminder For malfunction of lab equipment, immediately call the contact person for that room as posted on the yellow emergency contact card on the outside of the lab door. Building _______________ Room ________ Date _________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL: phone Major Professor/Principal Investigator Name:________________________________ _________ (office) ____________________ (home) ____________________ (cell) 1st alternate Name:_______________________________ _________ (office) ____________________ (home) ____________________ (cell) 2nd alternate SPECIAL HAZARDS: ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________
AWARENESS sudden tragic never imagined it could happen unexpected stunning AWARENESS scary surprising sobering
Safety and Awareness Safety isn’t about planning for the expected, it’s about anticipating the unexpected To anticipate the unexpected, it helps to have AWARENESS: awareness of your surroundings awareness of procedures awareness of risks
Awareness of Surroundings Do you know where these things are? Could you find them in the dark? Could you find them blind?
Awareness of Surroundings In cases of fire or other eminent dangers you need to be aware of how to quickly exit buildings, classrooms, and labs How many ways can you exit the places you work on campus? Can you help students exit those spaces? Do you know what the plans are in case of severe weather or fire in your building? (Hint: they are posted in your lab)
Awareness of Surroundings If the fire alarm sounds, exit your building quickly but safely Do not assume it is a false alarm Do not stop to pack up your belongs Do not stay at the front of the building Do know in advance the proper procedure
Awareness of Procedures There are many general procedures for doing things in the lab safely If you are not sure of how to do something safely, ASK!!! If you are instructed by someone in the university who is aware of proper procedure, follow their recommendations
Awareness of Procedures: Training There are numerous avenues and opportunities for training: EH&S Department of Public Safety College of Human Sciences Your professor! Always record training in some fashion, even if that record is a notation in a lab book
Awareness of Risks Risk is inherent in every activity we do Be aware of the risks at work! Lab Safety Handbook Standard Operating Procedures Material Safety Data Sheet Anticipate the chance of accidents before they happen
Awareness of Risks Know the proper protective equipment you need for your activity USE the proper protective equipment you need for your activity
This brings us to the movie... Experimenting With Danger
Any Questions?