NAMI 360 – Screenshot Guide 2 Individuals
Test Case #4: Adding a New Individual Record Organization Leader adds a new individual record
Click here to Add an Individual This is NAMI 360’s Home Page. This page provides the links to the main functions which are also always available on the left navigation bar. For this Test Case, Click on Add an Individual.
The system presents the Add Individual Page
Click on Save to add the new individual Fill-in the required information for the new Individual Record (use a different name and address for your test). Note that bold fields are required fields. Click Save to add the new individual without an associated membership. Memberships will be tested later. Click on Save to add the new individual
After adding the new record, the system displays the individual’s profile page
Test Case #5: Searching for Individual Records Organization Leader searches for newly created individual record
Click here to Search for Individuals Let’s search the database to find the individual we just created.
The system displays the Search page
Enter Search Criteria to find Individual Record Click Search to find the new Individual Enter the search criteria to find the record you just created, then click on the Search button. For names, you only need to enter the beginning of the name. Remember to use your own selection criteria based on the new record you created earlier. Enter Search Criteria to find Individual Record
Click on Individual Record The system displays all the records that match the criteria. Click on the individual record you just added. Click on Individual Record
The system displays the record you selected The system displays the record you selected. Verify that the contact information was properly added.
Test Case #6: Updating an Individual’s Contact Information #6 Organization Leader edits individual's contact information
Click on Edit Information Click on Edit Information
The system displays the Edit Information Page
The Individual Information Make some changes, then click on Save. Click on Save to Update The Individual Information
Click on Add New Address The system displays your changes. Now, let’s add a new address to this record. Click on Add New Address.
The system displays the Add Address page
Click on Save to Add the New Address Fill-in the new address information. Click on Save when you are done .
Click on Pencil Icon To Edit an Address The system now displays two addresses. Let’s Edit one of the addresses. Click on the Pencil Icon next to the address you want to change.
Click on Save to Update the Address Information Make some changes, then Click on Save when you are done.
The system displays the address changes The system displays the address changes. Go ahead and make similar changes for Phone, Fax and Email Addresses.
Click on Pencil Icon To Edit Individual Type Individual records can be tagged with a specific Individual Type. Click on the Pencil Icon under the Individual Type label to update this information.
The system displays the Edit Individual Type page.
Click on Save to Update the Individual Type Select the Appropriate Type, then Click on Save when you are done. Click on Save to Update the Individual Type
The system displays the Individual Type.
Test Case #7: Updating an Individual’s Demographic Data Organization Leader edits new individual's demographic data
Click on Edit Demographics Click on Edit Demographics.
System displays Demographics dialog page.
Click on Save to Update Demographics Information Update demographics information. Click on Save when done. Click on Save to Update Demographics Information
The system displays 3 data elements from the Demographics information The system displays 3 data elements from the Demographics information. Click on Edit Demographics to see the full list.
Test Case #8: Adding Related Individuals Organization Leader adds related individual records
Click on Add New Related Individual
Select the appropriate Relationship System displays Add Relationships dialog page. Select the appropriate relationship.
The system will then start listing matching records Start typing the First letters of The Last Name of the person You are trying to find The system will then start listing matching records Now select the record you want to relate the current record to. Start typing the first letters of the last name of the individual you would like to relate this record to. The system will start displaying matching records. Click on the record you are trying to relate this record to. This assumes that you have previously entered the record you are looking to associate. If the desired record is not displayed, go back to Add Individuals, add that record and come back to this page to finish the association.
Click Save to Add the new Relationship
The system displays the new related individual.