“A pastor who lived through the Third Reich described his meetings with Nazi officials in a way that illuminates life in totalitarian societies: “one would be pushed further, step by step, until he had crossed over the line, without noticing that his spine was being ben millimeter by millimeter” (Bytwerk 1).
German Propaganda - Context Hitler learned propaganda techniques from Karl Lueger in Vienna Hitler watched Lueger use religion to persuade people through the use of religious dogma Hitler believed – Getting the masses to do what he wanted would require a connection much like religion Goebbels stated “You will never find millions of people who will give their lives for an economic program. But millions of people are willing to die for a gospel, and our movement is increasingly becoming such a gospel.” Hitler’s belief on the “big lie” & anti-Jewish propaganda A big lie is easier to believe than a small lie – the mayor is a convicted embezzler versus the Jews are part of a world wide conspiracy How could the Jews prove otherwise? The less evidence, the harder it was to prove wrong The goal of the Nazi propagandists was to bring the idea of the Jewish Conspiracy up to date and put faces/names from the 20th century to it
German Propaganda - Context Hitler/Nazis believed – Masses are easily confused, propaganda must be clear and simple Political propagandists must admit no virtue on the opposing side. The masses understand black and white, not shades of gray. Repetition is critical – maintaining attention is extremely important/challenging Propaganda must be limited to a few points or slogans until the public understands what you want them to understand Masses will not respect a movement that tolerates what propaganda states is evil, secret to winning over public is through will and power Masses will not tolerate a rival Force is an unstable option “Any violence which does not spring from a firm, spiritual base, will be wavering and uncertain… A man does not die for business, but only for ideals.” Infallibility was required by Hitler for his movement Emphasis on leadership, religious faith generally includes a god. As we have seen, Hitler was in fact spoken of as a deity.
German Propaganda - Context Nazi propaganda initially under control of Hitler, passes hands to Joseph Goebbels in 1929 Reich Minister of Propaganda 1933-1945 Lived 1897 – 1945 Had polio as a child, had issues walking, could not participate in WWI Joined the Nazi party in 1922 – Initially opposed Hitler (1924-26), seeing that Hitler would take control switched to supporting him in 1926 Made Gauleiter of Berlin at the ripe age of 29 in 1926 After Hitler’s death he was the Chancellor of Germany for one day from 4/30/45-5/1/45 Poisoned his 6 children, and committed suicide with his wife (cyanide) Responsible for the development of multiple publications and Gauleiter (goulider) – political official governing a district under Nazi rule
German Propaganda - Context Propaganda found in: Film Text – various forms Imagery Photography Major pieces of propaganda include Film – Triumph of the Will Film – Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew) Film – Jud Suss (Suss the Jew) Rallies – Nuremberg Torchlight Parades Publication – Word of the Week Book Burnings
Nazi Propaganda If you look around the room you will notice several (41 to be exact) pieces of propaganda hanging on the walls, we are going to start with a gallery walk Things to look for – Common themes The beliefs Hitler expressed in Mein Kampf (HW due today) The different types of propaganda If you don’t remember what they are, look at the sheet on my website If you record the number, it will be easier to talk about When we are done we are going to discuss the above topics In other words be prepared to talk
All fueled by Goebbels, and propaganda Book Burnings of 1933 May 10, 1933 thousands of students took to the streets and burnt any books that were written by Jews All fueled by Goebbels, and propaganda Goebbels held a bon fire with 40,000 in attendance where he stated… “Jewish intellectualism is dead”
Nuremberg Rallies - Reichsparteitag Nazi party convention held every year (1923-1938) at the Nazi rally grounds in Nuremberg Stop at the start of WWII Massive propaganda events Usually constructed by Joseph Goebbels Usually held at the end of August or the beginning of September Triumph of the Will – Propaganda film made about the 1934 rallies Made by Leni Riefenstahl Attended by more than 700,000 people Leni Riefenstahl Lived from 1902-2003 German film maker, mostly known for Nazi propaganda films Triumph of the Will is the most famous Olympia (documentary of 1936 Olympics) is the second Question is always whether or not she was pro Nazi or merely documenting what was happening
The Eternal Jew Released in 1940 Directed by Fritz Hippler Documentary style film that essentially explains the “Jewish Problem” for the common man Very intense imagery and language
In your opinion what is the most effective form of propaganda? Food for thought… In your opinion what is the most effective form of propaganda? In other words, what do you believe has the most influence on you?