Global Protected Areas Programme IUCN WCPA Global Protected Areas Programme PARKS PLANET PEOPLE Director’s report to WCPA SC May 2016
Goals for 2015 Finalize the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, including integration of outcomes into the developing 2017-2020 Programme. GPAP operated within budget and a pipeline of new funded work sustains performance against the IUCN Programme GPAP programme priorities enhanced, including quality standards (Green List), equitable governance, developing Protected Planet/WDPA, promoting nature-based solutions (Panorama) and communicating the value of PAs WCPA is adequately supported to perform its functions and is aligned with the IUCN Programme (including IUCN programmes, regions and commissions)
1. Finalize the IUCN World Parks Congress 2014, including integration of outcomes into the developing 2017-2020 Programme. Slide presentations on the outcomes of the WPC were prepared for 10 IUCN Regional Conservation Forums (Spanish –Paula; French – Charlotte) Supported the Little Sydney Conference Secured a decision of IUCN Council to endorse the Promise of Sydney and to monitor commitments Supported CBD Regional Workshops for East Asia (Beijing), Central and South Asia (Delhi), Latin America (Curitiba) and Africa (Entebbe) to identify priority actions with plans for 2 more in 2016 before COP13
IUCN Council Decision – April 2015 Acknowledges and thanks the host country Australia, the traditional owners of the land on which the Congress was held, and IUCN members Parks Australia and the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife for hosting WPC 2014; Acknowledges the many substantial contributions made by the WCPA, other IUCN Commissions, IUCN Members, partners, donors and the Secretariat; Welcomes the Promise of Sydney Vision and related recommendations, inspiring solutions and commitments as the substantial outcomes of the WPC; Requests the Director General to: Incorporate relevant recommendations into the IUCN Programme 2017-2020, subject to consultation; Promote the Promise of Sydney and related relevant recommendations through policy and policy-influencing opportunities; Maintain and monitor a register of Promises and Commitments made by governments, international organisations and others to implement the Promise of Sydney and to monitor and communicate progress on implementation; Promote ongoing dialogue on key issues for transformative change emanating from the Promise of Sydney
2. GPAP operated within budget and a pipeline of new funded work sustains performance against the IUCN Programme A LIST B LIST C LIST B to C TOTAL VALUE 2011 4 8,750K 2 995K 8 2,945K 31% 12,690K 2012 6 10,220K 3 1,012K 2,027K 35% 13,259K 2013 7 31,200K 5 1,140K 2,750K 43% 35,090K 2014 22,200K 6,530K 12,630K 48% 41,360K 2015 20,640K 7,455K 14,325K 52% 42,420K 2016 10 37,540K 8,971K 15,800 __ 62,311K
Projects being implemented Inspiring PA Solutions (GEF) Blue Solutions (GIZ, BMUB-IKI) Integrated Land-Use Planning (BMUB-IKI) Global Support Initiative for ICCAs (UNDP-GEF SGP) Protected Area Solutions (BMUB-IKI) Developing a framework and tools for enhancing equity and justice in protected area management (IIED)
Projects being prepared or negotiated BIOPAMA 2 German International Climate Initiative concepts German Development Bank TFCA/KAZA Feasibility assessment for improving performance of Natura 2000 sites
3. GPAP programme priorities enhanced, including quality standards (Green List), equitable governance, developing Protected Planet/WDPA, promoting nature-based solutions (Panorama) and communicating the value of PAs
IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas (GLPCA) 2015 Highlights: Pilot Phase evaluated Global Consultation on GLPCA Standard New User Manual developed Strategic partnerships forged Project financing achieved 20 countries committed New WCPA members and WCPA thematic engagement (i.e. Marine Working Group on GLPCA)
IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas (GLPCA) 2016 Progress: GLPCA Standard open for final review User Manual open for consultation New ‘Partnership Group’ to include Europarc, WWF, KfW, JRC and others Recruiting new positions Regional ‘hubs’ for GLPCA activities in Asia, Mediterranean, Middle East and North Africa, Southern Africa and Latin America WCPA ‘network’ of GLPCA participants
Governance of protected and conserved areas
Governance assessment for PA systems Land-use Planning Colombia Zambia Tanzania Vietnam ICCA Global Support Initiative Ecuador Brazil Iran Philippines Indonesia Tanzania Georgia PA Quality and Solutions Colombia Peru Kenya Vietnam
BIOPAMA 1 results All 4 Regional Observatories established and engaged in data collection. In year 4, over 350 PAs Managers benefit from CD activities. Over 1,000 people trained. Materials produced by WCPA/CD Group promoted. Due to lack of time/resources the Regional State of PAs Reports will be produced under BIOPAMA-2. Project will be closed by the end of January 2017.
BIOPAMA 1 Communications Website increases users, adds French site: Social and media relations enhanced releases 200 new network members 40 visibility and awareness events 2 dedicated Protected Planet Newsletters and BIOPAMA corner in each other issue BIOPAMA presence in IUCN regions and regional partners’ communications channels 3 new publications
BIOPAMA plans BIOPAMA 2 Renew/review the brand Messaging: beyond programme’s activities => the value and role of PAs for achieving sustainable development Means: integration with the GPAP tools (Solutions, GLPCA) Approach: more targeted communications at the regional level Delivery: new tools – eg videos, infographics, policy briefs … 10 BIOPAMA confirmed events 2 conservation campus 1 knowledge café 2 e-posters 2 publication launches 2 pavilion events 1 social event + 1 exhibition booth + daily RRIS and IMET demonstration + media events and press conferences
BIOPAMA 2 (2017- 2023) First consultation process was very positive emphasising the role of IUCN and its commissions. Key role of IUCN on Capacity Development reinstated. Roles much more clearly defined: (a) JRC –with input from IUCN- will be responsible for the activities and budget related to data and information management and (b) IUCN retains a key role on Capacity Development. Budget under negotiation at present as funding allocated to IUCN (EURO 7.5M) is insufficient to deliver the proposed activities. JRC willing to reallocate around EUROs 6-8M to IUCN Budget. BIOPAMA-2 proposes that IUCN manage an Action Fund of EURO 25.5M to support field activities. There are concerns about the risk and liability for IUCN in managing the Action Fund.
BIOPAMA 2 – next steps Revised draft approved on 1 April by EC Quality Support Group. Revised IF to be submitted by 12 May for review by the QSG-2. If approved, the detailed Action Document must be submitted for approval of the Expert Group of the Committee governing the Environment and Development Fund (EDF) by 4 July. A revised AD should be submitted to the Committee by 5 Sept. If approved a Grant Contract will be signed and funding should be received by Nov/Dec 2016. Detailed workplan and budget for Y1 of implementation have to be produced and submitted to the EC by the end of January 2017.
Capacity development for PAs in Africa 2 University Diplomas (8 week on-site course – 20 students each) organized in West Africa 1 Master’s degree (2 year course) – 37 students) organized for all Africa 1 MOOC (7 modules online – 5,000+ students) launched in October
Panorama – PA Solutions Expanded “solutions” web platform hosting solutions from a range of themes; in partnership with GIZ Expansion of portfolio to 150 case studies; solutions sourced from a wide range of channels and organizations; incl. case studies from recent WCPA publications Application of solutions approach in various workshop and training settings Launch of “African PA Solutions to Climate Change” at UNFCCC COP21
Panorama – outlook 2016 Agree expansion as joint GIZ-GPAP investment – retention of “brand” Structure to include semi-independent thematic portals under one umbrella, with linked themes Brand development and launch at WCC (Sept. 2016) All GPAP projects linked to Panorama Growing interest from potential internal and external partners, incl. WWF, SOS-Save Our Species; GI Cities network, ... Governance and partnership model being developed Options for stronger WCPA engagement e.g. in solutions review Communication activities expanded in 2016: Panorama webinar series (thematic sessions, conducted jointly with relevant WCPA SG/TF), #PanoramaSolutionOfTheWeek on social media, …
4. WCPA is fully supported to perform its functions and aligned with the IUCN Programme (including alignment with other IUCN programmes, regions and commissions) Publications management effective - Craig Groves) WPCA manual updated and being sent to all new members, including “basics” Membership and financial management of COF
Secretariat staff We appointed: Valérie Batselaere (Communications Officer) Johary Rakotojohary (Programme Officer: Finance and Administration)
Secretariat staff We welcomed: Geoffroy Mauvais working on protected areas in Africa Delwyn Dupuis (after a long period of medical leave) to continue work on Membership We said goodbye to Nick Cox, Peter Sanderson and Stéphane Lara de la Vega and thank them for their services
1. WCPA Membership in the 2012-2016 Quadrennium
2. WCPA Membership by Region Total 2603 (May 2016)
3. Gender distribution in WCPA
4. Language preferences in WCPA
4. WCPA Young Professionals
5. WCPA Young Professionals by Region No of WCPA Members No of WCPA YP by Region Percentage of WCPA YP per region North Africa, West Asia, Middle East 104 16 15 East and South Africa 163 10 West and Central Africa 143 29 20 North America 510 37 7 South America 254 23 9 Caribbean 43 1 2 Central America 4 11 East Asia 80 5 South Asia 121 17 14 Southeast Asia 83 Europe 589 48 8 North Eurasia 61 6 Oceania 415
6. WCPA Applications Missing CV Missing Survey Sent to RVC Missing CV Missing Survey Sent to RVC ready for next sending to RVC North Africa, West Asia, Middle East 11 10 2 East and South Africa 4 West and Central Africa 38 7 North America 33 13 1 South America 8 16 Caribbean Central America East Asia South Asia 27 Southeast Asia Europe 29 North Eurasia Oceania 23 200 15 66 18 24v invalid emails
7. WCPA Membership Renewal Process Membership of WCPA membership needs to be renewed after an IUCN Congress New membership applications will close 1 June 2016 2012-2016 members sent to RVCs and Task Force and Specialist Group Leaders for selection of members they do not wish to renew Renewal notices sent out to renewable members December 2016 Reopening of new applications, January 2017
Goals for 2016 Priority elements of the Promise of Sydney are effectively incorporated into international policy (including through WCC) and are influencing implementation at a national and site level. IUCN Green List of PAs Standard approved IUCN standards for PA governance diversity and quality applied PA solutions collated and communicated Leadership on innovative approaches involving PAs is continued in respect of at least two areas (Health, Urban, Transboundary Governance) Commitments inspired by the POS are documented, widely communicated and tracked.
2. GPAP programme and project portfolio is managed and further developed to reflect the priorities emanating from the Promise of Sydney. GPAP’s current suite of funded projects is managed in accordance with project contracts (GEF Inspiring PA Solutions; GIZ Blue Solutions; UNDP GEF Global Support Initiative for ICCAs; BMUB-IKI PA Solutions; BMUB-IKI Land Use Planning) New projects in the pipeline ensure programme sustainability (BIOPAMA-Phase II, Life Green/Natura 2000, Conservation Finance, BMUB-IKI on Conservation Finance) Enhanced project portfolio management ensures the complementarity of the suite of projects against GPAP and IUCN Programme goals. .
3. Financial and staff capability and performance enhanced. Funding targets achieved, maintaining stable staff and infrastructure Appointment of key staff on finance and administration, governance, Green List management and support in place and effective. Financial results within budget. COF fully accounted for in terms of Commission Financial Rules.
4. WCPA supported to achieve an aligned “one programme approach” Commission 2015 technical reporting complete and WCPA Steering Committee effective. New joint WCPA Quadrennial Work Programme adopted. Specialist Groups established and functional to fill gaps in advisory portfolio of WCPA Renewal of WCPA Membership following WCC