Bell Ringer Find your new spot on the seating chart (on front lab table). What makes something organic or inorganic? What do these four pictures have in common?
Organic Compounds: The Molecules of Life Any compound containing carbon (also oxygen and hydrogen) Two exceptions: CO2 and CO Also called organic chemistry Four Macromolecules (large molecules): Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic Acids
Carbon’s Bonding Behavior Outer shell of C has 4 e-’s Can hold 8 e-’s Each C atom can form covalent bonds with up to 4 atoms C may form single, double, or triple bonds
(ball-and-stick model) Bonding Arrangements Carbon atoms can form chains or rings Other atoms project from the carbon backbone Glucose (ball-and-stick model)
What is a monomer & a polymer?
The Polymer Party Video Write about each Polymer that is introduced. If we are studying organic polymers who will we be studying?
Polymers & Monomers Polymer Monomer Large molecule (macromolecule) Made up of many small subunits called monomers Monomer Small molecule that can be linked together to form a large molecule Ex: carbohydrate polymer simple sugar (glucose) monomer
Carbohydrates Ratio is always 1 C: 2 H: 1 O or C1H2O1 Functions provide energy Structural support Energy comes from breaking the C-H bonds Subunit/Building Block is a monosaccharide Aka -- simple sugar
Monosaccharide Building block of carbohydrates AKA, simple sugar Examples: Glucose Fructose Galactose Ribose Deoxyribose
Monosaccharide Examples glucose
Disaccharide Two monosaccharides that have been linked together What type of chemical reaction links them together? What type of chemical reaction breaks them apart during digestion? Examples Sucrose: glucose + fructose Lactose: glucose + galactose Maltose: glucose + glucose
Disaccharide Examples Sucrose
Polysaccharides Many monosaccharides linked together (usually more than 8) Some provide energy Starch plants Glycogen animals (stored in liver & muscle) Some provide structural support Cellulose plant cell walls Chitin fungi cell walls & insect exoskeleton
Polysaccharides Examples Glycogen
Carbohydrates: Examples Monosaccharides Simple sugars Glucose, fructose, galactose Disaccharides Two simple sugars Sucrose, Maltose, and Lactose Polysaccharides Complex carbohydrates Glycogen & starch (storage) Chitin & cellulose (structural) Cellulose fibers in the plant cell wall.
Carbohydrate Flipbook Answer the questions first. Using scissors and a glue stick cut the monomers for carbohydrates out. On the back side of the cover page create a monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide. Label and provide an example of each.
Organic Molecules Work Sheet
How do carbohydrates impact your health?
Closure: Draw the nomenclature of a monosaccharide, disaccharide, and polysaccharide. What are the functions of a carbohydrate? Homework: Watch Bozeman’s carb video and answer questions (#4 on weebly)