Welcome to Cypress Springs High School Godsey 08/27-9/1
What’s in store for this year at Cypress Springs High School? Godsey 08/27-9/1
Assistant Principals Mrs. Johnson 9th Grade A-L Mr. Simpson 9th Grade M-Z Mrs. Rogers 10th -12th Grade B-E Mrs. Baez 10th -12th Grade F-J Mr. Smith 10th -12th Grade K-O Mrs. Ramirez 10th -12th Grade P-S Mr. Kiser 10th -12th Grade T-Z, A Godsey 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017
Godsey 8/27-9/1
Godsey 8/27-9/1
Tardies All students are to report to class. Tardies are the first 10 minutes of class. An After Tardy (AT) occurs when more than 10 minutes late to class. After Tardy passes can be obtained from the Attendance Office. Hall Tardy Sweeps will be random. Teachers are responsible for recording tardies. Godsey 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017
Ultimate Achievement Godsey 09/11/2017 – 09/15/2017
REGISTRATION ONLINE ONLY Test Date: October 10, 2018 10th & 11th GRADERS ONLY Registration starts August 27th and will end on September 28th Late …….Sept 29 – Oct 3, 2018 $21.00 $25.00 REGISTRATION ONLINE ONLY www.TotalRegistration.net/PSAT/443317 J. Barnes August 27 - October 3, 2018
T. Grubbs 8/28 and 8/29 Grubbs 8/27 - 8/28