You are warriors!
You are Warriors! Add your first bullet point here Add your second bullet point here Add your third bullet point here
Title and Content Layout with Chart
RECESS…but 1st slip-lunch detention 2nd slip-lunch detention 3rd slip-lunch detention 4th slip-student/team conference-parent contact 5th slip-After school detention (48 hours notice) 6th slip-Parent conference with student, teachers, administrator(s) 7th slip- 1 day ISS 8th slip- 2 days ISS 9th slip-Parent conference, behavior contract, 3 days OSS OR OSS Camp (Students who successfully complete OSS camp will begin next slip at #1) 10th slip-1 day ISS 11th slip-2 days ISS 12 slip- 3 days OSS
OSS Camp Belton Middle School will be using OSS camp this year as an alternative to out of school suspension. We believe this will dramatically decrease the number of students suspended during the school year. The camp is designed to give students who get out of school suspension an opportunity to keep up with their academic work and earn their school trust and privileges back. Each day in camp, the student will be required to do physical fitness exercises, academic work, and community service work. The student will be isolated from the student body. If a parent chooses to send their child to OSS camp, the following are the guidelines: All sessions will be for 5 consecutive days. Students will arrive and leave school like they would any other school day. Students may not participate in any after-school activities during the first 3 days of OSS camp. A dress code will be required. Once a student successfully completes a session, all school privileges are reinstated. Students may only attend OSS camp for 2 sessions during the year. Any students not completing their session will assume their previous OSS days and lose privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Hold Each Other Accountable! We Are Family! At Belton Middle School we believe that it takes more than two people to start a fight. There’s usually a few instigators and more often than not, there are numerous people that are aware that a fight is going to take place. If there is a fight at any point during the day, the entire grade level will lose recess for 3 days. It is our hope that this will encourage students to hold one another accountable and be more likely to report to an adult if they have knowledge of a possible fight. We hope this will be a proactive measure in keeping our students safe while they are at school and dramatically cut down on the number of fights.
Block Parties Once per nine weeks To be eligible: No suspensions Passing ALL classes First bullet point here Second bullet point here Third bullet point here
Club Days Last Friday of each Month
Water Bottles Clear bottle Store bought water bottle with label
IDs Must have on your person at lunch Your teacher will check before you leave for lunch If you don’t have your ID, you will not be allowed to go outside for recess. You may use 5 WOW bucks to get out of an ID violation
Dress Code Human colored hair only is permitted
Dress Code Tops must be the width of your ID at the shoulder (no tank tops) Shorts, skirts, or dresses can be no more than an ID length above the knee
Dress Code Leggings, jeggings, yoga or exercise pants may be worn with a non- sheer blouse, sweater or top that reaches below the fingertips when standing. The top should reach below the fingertip completely around the body. NO!
Dress Code Violations The violation must be corrected. The student will sit in ISS until the violation is corrected. Please see the school handbook for additional dress code guidelines, the ones mentioned previously are only the ones we seem to have the most trouble with.
Rules for Devices at Lunch and Arrival You must be seated (not in the lunch line) No phone calls/texting No Social Media No pictures/video What can we do? Listen to music Read Apps Play games
Rules for Devices During the day Devices must be off during class unless you have permission to use them from your teacher Devices must not be visible or out when transitioning between classes or during restroom breaks No phone calls/texting (not even to your parents-if you need to contact them, come to the office and we will let you do so) No Social Media No pictures/video
Rules for Devices at Dismissal You must be seated No earbuds/headphones No phone calls/texting
What happens if I don’t follow the cell phone policy? 1st offense-your phone/device will be taken and a parent will have to come and pick it up. 2nd offense-your phone/device will be taken for a 9 week period at which time a parent can pick it up 3rd offense-your phone/device will be taken for the remainder of the school year at which time a parent can pick it up.
Scholar Time Each student has a scholar time each day This is a structured study hall: 1st 25 minutes: Self selected silent reading (SSSR)-students may read a book of their choice 2nd 25 minutes: Students may complete homework, study for quizzes, make up work, or continue reading. Students will have the ability to earn 3 points each day in scholar time. 1 point for having a book 1 point for having their agenda 1 point for their behavior At the end of the week if the students have accumulated 13/15 points, the students will be allowed to go outside for a break. If they have not accumulated 13 points they will stay inside with another scholar time teacher.
Be Proud You Are A BMS Warrior!