Latin American Revolutions
Haitian Revolution The ideals of the French Revolution reach the French colony of Haiti where enslaved Africans work on sugar plantations. Toussaint L’Ouverture leads a successful rebellion of slaves to achieve the abolition of slavery. Napoleon attempts to recapture the island, but fails and Haiti becomes a republic.
Haiti Western powers ostracize Haiti because of the implications of its slave revolt. It is also forced to pay France for its financial loss. Both the massive debt and isolation force Haiti into economic woes.
Latin America Napoleon's conquest of Spain is seen as an opportunity to reject outside domination and move toward independence. Haiti’s slave revolt frightened creoles in Spanish America. They wanted power but not social or economic change.
Demographic of Latin America Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos/Mulatoes Indians/Blacks
Juan O’Gorman Altarpiece to Independence
Perceive, Know, Care What can the person perceive and feel? What might the person know about or believe? What might the person care about?
New Spain
Ideological Predecessors
Congress of Chilpancingo
Grito de Delores Father Hidalgo was a priest of a poor rural area of Dolores. Urged is congregation toward freedom in his speech known as el Grito de Delores My children: a new dispensation comes to us today. Will you receive it? Will you free yourselves? Will you recover the lands stolen three hundred years ago from your forefathers by the hated Spaniards? We must act at once... Will you defend your religion and your rights as true patriots? Long live Our Lady of Guadalupe! Death to bad government! Death to the gachupines! He leads a march of Native Americans and mestizos on Mexico City, but is captured and executed
Jose Morelos Jose Morelos continues the revolutionary call Congress of Chilpancingo declares independence Again he is captured by creoles and executed. Iturbide, a creole, continues to hunt down revolutionaries.
Augustin de Iturbide Creoles begin to reconsider whether independence would be better because of turmoil in Europe Iturbide considers independence a protection from republican ideas. Mexico gains independence and Iturbide quickly names himself emperor.
South America Tupac Amaru II, a mestizo, who claimed to be a descendant of the last Inca ruler Tupac Amaru, leads a rebellion against Spanish control He is captured and quartered
“The Liberator” Simon Bolivar, a creole, also seeks independence inspired by the opportunity opened by Napoleon His initial campaigns are unsuccessful and is exiled to Haiti, but ultimately succeeds with the support of Jose de San Martin. He attempts to unite the conquered areas as Gran Colombia under a constitution but fails due to rivalries and civil war Creoles replace the peninsulares as the ruling class leaving little social change.