Anxiety and Teen Depression
Terms to Know Anxiety – the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen Depression – a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness
What is Anxiety? Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their life Feelings of worry Insecurity Fear Self-consciousness Panic Can have positive results All are natural
What is Anxiety (con’t)? Symptoms of anxiety Feelings of fear or dread Perspiration, trembling, restlessness, or muscle tension Rapid Heart Beat, Lightheadedness, Shortness of Breath
Managing Anxiety Use good Stress-Management techniques Exercise Do something that you enjoy Some people will turn to drugs and alcohol These are only temporary forms of relaxation and relief
What is Depression? Everyone will experience the occasion sad mood that last a few days Usually can be managed easily Depression is much stronger than the occasional sad mood
What is Depression (con’t)? 2 types of Depression Reactive Depression Response to an event Goes away most times as the person learns how to manage the event that caused it Major Depression Medical condition requiring treatment Can develop from Reactive Depression Can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain or through genetics
Symptoms of Teen Depression Irritable or restless mood Withdrawal from friends and activities Change in appetite or weight Feelings of guilt or worthlessness Sense of hopelessness
Getting Help for Anxiety and Depression Can be relieved by talking with supportive people, getting more exercise, or volunteering When symptoms begin to interfere with life professional help may be needed