Unity in Communion District Convention Bible Study: January 23, 2018 Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard: Zion Lutheran of Gwinner, ND
Assigned Topic In this Bible Study we have been assigned the topic of “Unity in Communion.” Therefore, we will be looking at 1 Corinthians 10:16-17, with a special focus on the word, “communion.”
1 Corinthians 10:16-17 16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a communion in the body of Christ? 17 Because there is one bread, we the many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.
Communion Translations: ASV: Communion ESV: Participation KJV: Communion NASB: Sharing NIV: Participation
In the original Greek: Koinwnia (Transliteration: Koinonia) Various Meanings: association, fellowship, sharing, participation, communion, etc…
Special Focus on Koinonia So, what exactly does this word mean? What does it not mean? What are the implications of this word regarding the Lord’s Supper?
We are going to look at Four incorrect views of Koinonia in order to demonstrate how the Apostle Paul uses Koinonia in 1 Corinthians 10 when referring to the Lord’s Supper.
Koinonia as Fellowship?
Koinonia as Fellowship
Koinonia as Fellowship
Problems: The word “Koinonia” is never understood in this modern sense of friendship. This view of “Koinonia” puts the emphasis upon demographic similarities and/or personal interests. This view of “Koinonia” focuses on being joined together with a bunch of like- minded people.
Koinonia as a Gathering?
Koinonia as a Gathering?
Problems: “Koinonia” is not a product of mankind’s decisions – we don’t create “Koinonia.” Simply stated, “Koinonia” is not created horizontally. With “Koinonia,” mankind is not the host, but the guest. (i.e., it is not our meal, but the “Lord’s” Supper – for us).
Koinonia as Celebration?
Koinonia as Celebration?
Problems: In this view, the goal is to get everyone together in unity, then for a brief moment, “Koinonia” can be celebrated. However, this is not true Koinonia. The Lord’s Supper is not celebrated as a way to strive towards doctrinal unity, but occurs because of the doctrinal unity that already exists.
Koinonia as Snack Bar
Koinonia as Snack Bar? No Word
Note: This view – to our surprise – is closer to the real meaning of “Koinonia” than the other views. By eating and drinking bread and grape juice, members of the church are showing obedience towards a thing. Therefore, there is Koinonia in obedience and in grape juice and bread.
Problems: However, since there is no Word, this is a “Koinonia” with grape juice and bread, nothing more. They are united in Welch’s Grape Juice and Hawaiian Sweet Rolls. And, because they see this eating and drinking as acts of obedience, this turns the Lord’s Supper from Gospel to Law – from God’s gift to mankind’s work.
What is True Koinonia
What is True Koinonia? It is not merely fellowship with another person. “Koinonia” does not happen with another person directly but happens with another person through something. True “Koinonia” joins people together into a common thing, such as the Lord’s body and blood in the Supper.
What is True Koinonia? “Koinonia” does not happen from the decision of people to gather. “Koinonia” is created vertically, not horizontally. “Koinonia” happens as mankind is gathered together to be participants of the “Lord’s” Supper (i.e., the Lord is the host).
What is True Koinonia? “Koinonia” does not come about by getting everyone together regardless of their confession. “Koinonia” does not happen as some sort of celebration of ‘successfully getting everyone together’ regardless of major differences. But rather, “Koinonia” happens when the Lord unites everyone together to receive the Supper because of the doctrinal unity already shared and created.
What is True Koinonia? “Koinonia” happens as we are invited to partake of the true body and blood of our Lord given and shed for us for the forgiveness of our sins. And, as we know, without Jesus’ Word, there would be no Sacrament. So, if there is no Word, there may be “Koinonia” but not a Christian “Koinonia.”
What is True Koinonia? We do not have “Koinonia” in our obedience, but in Christ’s obedience and gifts – for us.
Compare and Contrast: False Koinonia True Koinonia Focuses on connecting to a bunch of people. Established Horizontally Man is Host Strive for Unity Created by man’s decision. True Koinonia Focuses on connecting to a common thing. Established Vertically Man is guest Because of Unity Created by God’s gathering.
True Koinonia
To Summarize! “Koinonia” is expressed in the church not as fellowship among people, but rather, “Koinonia” happens as people are connected through the sharing of a thing (i.e., Christ’s body and blood).
To Summarize! “Koinonia” happens when people participate together in something external, something that pulls various individuals together into a common bond.
To Summarize! “Koinonia” happens as God calls various people of various backgrounds, ethnicities, and personalities to participate and share in the common yet unique Sacrament of the Altar, where the forgiveness of sins are given.
Implication #1 (No Lone Christians) Since we participate and do life together – being joined together at the altar in Christ - there is no such thing as a lone ranger Christian. Each of us do not have multiple personal Jesuses. There is only one Christ. In the words of a former professor, "...together we share in something that is common: Jesus Christ and life in Him."
Implications #2 (Church Defined By Christ) Sex, age, ethnicity, backgrounds, experiences, personal tastes, etc. do not matter in the church regarding unity. We are grafted into the same “Koinonia” – Christ and His shed blood for the forgiveness of sins.
Implications #2 (Church Defined By Christ) Just think about all the people who often do not have any personal interests in common that collide together in the person of Christ at the Lord's Table! In the words of my former professor again, "...in the Body of Christ our relationships to each other are defined not socially, economically, racially, or on any other basis other than Christ."
Implications #3 (Friendships are Secondary) Since “Koinonia” does not come about by simply gathering Christians into a group, but occurs when Christians relate to each other through a common thing (i.e., Christ and His gifts), that means that all forms of friendship, comradery, and fellowship flow out of this true “Koinonia” – they are secondary.
Implications #4 (Koinonia Can Be Exclusive) Since “Koinonia” exists when people share and/or are connected to each other through a common thing (i.e., Christ and His Gifts), if there are objections to the common thing, there cannot be true “Koinonia.” And if there is not agreement over the thing that is being shared, then it is better to exclude or abstain than pretend that there is unity.
Implications #4 (Koinonia Can Be Exclusive) Partaking of the Lord’s Supper is the quintessential “Koinonia” for Christians. Therefore, I find it very peculiar that Baptists who despise the real presence in the Supper, Catholics who think that our altars are anathema (i.e., an abomination), and Evangelicals who see our Lord’s Supper as creepy, are offended when we say that it is best for them not to commune at our altars.
Conclusion The church exists even when it is not gathered in one physical place and the church expresses “Koinonia” when it is gathered in the name of Christ to receive Christ and His gifts. “Koinonia” is not fellowship among people, but it is a fellowship between people through sharing the same thing – Jesus and His gift of Word and Sacrament.
1 Corinthians 10:16-17 16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion in the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a communion in the body of Christ? 17 Because there is one bread, we the many are one body, for we all partake of the one bread.
District Convention Bible Study: January 23, 2018 Unity in Communion District Convention Bible Study: January 23, 2018 Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard