What does it mean to belong to a Christian family at Easter? Come and meet Samuel!
This is Samuel. He is 6 years old.
Samuel belongs to a Christian family Samuel belongs to a Christian family. Samuel’s daddy is a curate at the local church.
Samuel has a big sister and a mummy, too. They all go to St Samuel has a big sister and a mummy, too. They all go to St. Andrew’s Church.
Sam’s family are preparing for Easter Sam’s family are preparing for Easter. This is some of the things they do to prepare for Easter. This time of preparation is called Lent.
Shrove Tuesday On Shrove Tuesday, Samuel and his family make pancakes. Sometimes, this day is called Pancake Day.
Shrove Tuesday Pancakes are made from eggs, milk, butter and flour. In the past, people made pancakes to use up these rich ingredients in their cupboards. This meant they went without those rich ingredients during Lent. For Christians, Lent is a time to think about what is important. Sometimes, Christians give something up for Lent to help them focus on God.
Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. Lent lasts for 40 days. This is the time when Christians prepare for Easter. Easter is the most important time of year for Christians. Easter is the story of Jesus dying and rising to new life.
Palm Crosses Christians like Sam believe that Jesus died on the cross for them, so they use the cross to help them think about Jesus. At Easter time, some Christians have Palm Crosses. These crosses are made from palm leaves, just like the palm leaves the crowd waved at Jesus as he rode in to Jerusalem on a donkey on Palm Sunday.
Ash Wednesday Sam and his family go to church on Ash Wednesday. The Vicar puts a cross on their foreheads with ash. The ash comes from last year’s Palm Crosses that have been burned. The ashes are not hot, though!
Holy Week Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter Sunday. It begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday. Sam and his family are excited as this is a time of great celebration in their church.
Palm Sunday Sam reads about the Easter story in his Bible. On Palm Sunday, Christians remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. Everyone shouted, ‘Hosanna!’ and waved their palms.
Holy Week Sam and his family make some hot cross buns. Yummy!
Maundy or Holy Thursday Sam and his family go to church on Maundy Thursday. They remember the things Jesus said and did the night before he died on the cross. They wash one another’s feet to show they will serve one another, just as Jesus did.
Maundy or Holy Thursday Then Sam and his family share in the special Christian family meal of bread and wine called Communion. Christians remember Jesus saying, ‘Do this in remembrance of me.’
Good Friday Sam and his family go to church to be quiet on Good Friday. Sam thinks about Jesus dying on the cross.
Easter Day Sam and his family get up really early on Easter Day and go to church! They want to remember Jesus rising from the dead and appearing to Mary early in the morning.
Easter Day Sam and his sister Megan eat their Easter eggs. The spring flowers, eggs, bunnies and chicks help them to remember Jesus’ new life at Easter.
PowerPoint by Julia Watts Rochester Diocesan Adviser 2009 (Julia.Watts@rochester.anglican.org)