Why social structures matter Sustainability Why social structures matter
What is a “social structure?” The organization of that which produces & reproduces societies Rules Roles Relationships Practices Technics These differ among societies (sometimes called “culture”)
Patterns of behavior & social interaction—habitus--can be formalized or not “Habitus” fosters continuity & certainty It reproduces the social order of things It patterns our needs, desires & relations It shapes our hopes & expectations But it is also fluid and malleable
Personal cleanliness is an example of this Consider these questions: How often do you – Bathe or shower? – Wash your clothes? – Change the clothing you wear? Do you do this simply when you feel like it? Or do you follow a particular set of expectations about washing? From where did these come?
The history of bathtubs in America tells us something
Though you have an individual “right” to remain unwashed, social structures motivate you to participate in this ritual
What we do and consume is not simply a matter of individual choice We each have socially-generated expectations These are fostered in the family, schools, by media, peer pressure, advertising We come to expect a certain “living standard” This tends to encourage high levels of consumption Maintaining living standard requires rapid turnover of goods