Welcome to the Cardiff Health and Social Care Network, 3 December 2015
Agenda Welcome & Introductions 10.10am: What do you want from your network? 10.30am: Dementia Friendly Communities 11.00am: Citizen Driven Health Care – Shared Lives demonstration Short break 12.00pm Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2015 – update and introducing Dewis Cymru. 12.30pm: Information sharing 12.50pm Networking and close
What do you want from your network? This is your network, so what would you like? Briefings between meetings – blog style Consultations Stronger links made using social media Reps on groups who feedback to the network and ask for information. Other…
Agenda Welcome & Introductions 10.10am: What do you want from your network? 10.30am: Dementia Friendly Communities 11.00am: Citizen Driven Health Care – Shared Lives demonstration Short break 12.00pm Social Services & Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2015 – update and introducing Dewis Cymru. 12.30pm: Information sharing 12.50pm Networking and close
News Developments Issues Information Sharing News Developments Issues
Review of the UHB Strategic Framework for working with the Third Sector Keeping in touch event on 25 January 2016 to discuss findings and discuss contents for the next version. New Strategic Framework due by end of March 2016.
Health and Social Care Facilitator Finally Suggestions for future meetings Feedback on todays meeting Sarah Capstick, Health and Social Care Facilitator sarah.c@c3sc.org.uk 029 2048 5722 / 07969185189