Workforce Health and Wellbeing Dr. Nicola Marchant, Deputy Chair International Policing Conference – Wellbeing Workshop 14 December 2017
Health and Wellbeing Matters Purpose of Policing is to improve the safety and wellbeing of persons, localities and communities in Scotland. The entire police workforce are fundamental to the successful delivery of that aim and their health and wellbeing is a priority. Informed by workforce Strategic priority Approach Purpose of Policing is to improve the safety and wellbeing of persons, localities and communities in Scotland. The entire police workforce play a fundamental part in delivery this aim. We recognise the health and wellbeing of the workforce is fundamental and SPA has set some clear expectations of how Police Scotland should approach that: Informed by regular and meaningful engagement with the workforce. A strategic organisational priority which is underpinned and led from the very top of the organisation. Supports and empowers the workforce; and Delivers tangible results and improvements for the workforce. Empowers the workforce Improves wellbeing
Empowering and developing our people and culture Create a positive organisational culture that values and recognises our people and their contributions Value and invest in the development and wellbeing of the whole workforce Strengthen the diversity of our workforce By ensuring health and wellbeing is a strategic priority for the organisation we aim to: Help build the sustainability of policing in Scotland which relies on a positive organisational culture. Recognising and valuing our people will be key. We need to value and invest in our workforces’ development and wellbeing. We need to strengthen the diversity of the workforce. We need to develop leadership at all levels and empower our people to take decisions. Inclusive working environment. At this point invite a short input from Jude Heliker: As a member of Police Scotland’s executive, what role does she see the Executive having in this approach and how will she seek to ensure the strategy is being delivered? Critical – assurance that changes permeate throughout the organisation. Develop leadership at all levels and empower people to take decisions Creating an inclusive working environment where all views are heard and valued
Strategic Wellbeing Statement Objective 1: Embed a culture, where the management and promotion of, and the responsibility for, health and wellbeing are integrated into all aspects of the organisation Objective 2: Create a safe, positive and healthy working environment for all officers and staff Objective 3: Equip managers with effective, informative and practical policies, procedures and guidance to support officer and staff wellbeing. Invite the views of Superintendent Ian Thomson one of the highest ranking Wellbeing Champions at this point – Why did you volunteer? How is the role of the Wellbeing Champion supporting these objectives? What about the feedback loops, does he feel empowered to make change happen? Why does this feel different from other initiatives? Wellbeing Champions key to supporting delivery of these objectives.
Workforce Engagement Ensures focus on the right things Helps Mitigates unintended consequences Helps measure success Ensure lessons are learned Engaging with the workforce will be fundamental in developing the approach outlined, in evolving it and importantly in measuring its success. SPA has set clear expectations of the service that engagement takes place regularly and in meaningful ways and at all levels. Possible – Ask Jude to give us an example of mitigation against unintended consequences i.e. Monday briefing for the CC?
SPA Governance Policing 2026 Health & Wellbeing Engagement Governance and assurance of strategy will include focus on the workforce elements of 2026. Oversight of Health and Wellbeing agenda led by People Committee. Assurance informed by views of the workforce inc: Strategic Engagement Forum; Employee Relations Climate Check; Engagement with SPA Chief Officer and staff. Clear role for SPA in this which I lead on as Chair of the People Committee. Invite representative from Staff Associations – we have David Hamilton of SPF and Ivor Marshall of ASPS in the audience and would ask them to give a view about the engagement approach and/or what more we can do in that area.
How can we accurately measure progress in relation to health and wellbeing? Questions How can we ensure the workforce engage and inform wellbeing approach? How can we drive innovation? What more can we do? What more can we do to help embed a culture of employee wellbeing across all aspects of policing? How can we drive innovation? New solutions that focus on our staff and officers feeling that Police Scotland is the right employer for them where they are encouraged and supported in developing and reaching their potential. Focus on wellbeing will support the development of a sustainable organisation.