Supporting Students Through the 2YC-4YCU Transfer Process Increasing student awareness of, and preparation for, academic and professional pathways attainable with a 2-year degree, 4-year degree, or certificate in geoscience. Mechanisms that we are exploring include informing students about geoscience careers and pathways in our classes, incorporating career preparation into our courses and programs, building relationships with our institutions' career and transfer counselors. Kansas Community College: Sallie Jones Missouri Community College: David Albright OUR TEACHING SUCCESSES OUR PROGRAM/DEPARTMENT ACTIONS Supporting the Academic Success of all Students Some text that described what we have done to support the academic success of all students. We have done these various things and I’m writing this in the form of a narrative though I think it would be easier to follow if it were in the form of bullets with some bold text at the front of each bullet point with more text not in bold. 2. Broadening Participation described what we have done to support the academic success of all students. We have done various things List the things we have done In the form of bullets – could include bold text at the front of each bullet point with more text not in bold that gives more of an explanation 3. Facilitating Professional Pathways described what we have done to support transfer and careers. informed students about geoscience careers and pathways in our classes incorporated career preparation into our courses and programs worked to build relationships with our institutions' career and transfer counselors and include more information about this. started work on a certificate degree program and describe a bit more about this DEVELOPING OUR REGIONAL COMMUNITY Fall Workshop: Active Learning: Hood to Coast Teaching Local Water: Opportunities and Challenges Active Teaching Methods: Low Hanging Fruit to Course Design Stormwater: Culvert Blow Out and Repair Active Learning in the Oceans Developing a Regional Case Study Future directions Spring Follow on Activity: Title What did you do for your spring follow on activity? Regional Outcomes: What outcomes arose from your regional workshop and follow-on activity that wouldn’t have happened without those events? Madam Curie A number of totally cool things that I’ve done have included the following Added metacognition activities including this that and the other to all of my courses Tried s ,y, z ,in my online courses Added scientist spotlights to my Oceanography course and combined that with an assignment in which students working in groups interviewed a geoscientist and reported on that. Brought in guest speakers for my Physical Geology course who talked about careers Added a peer tutoring component to our supplemental instruction Did some other things along these lines related to career information and transfer Promoted undergraduate research opportunities and advised 10 students who were interested in applying for internships. Marco Polo A number of totally cool things that I’ve done have included the following (all this in 28 point font) In all my courses: Added metacognition activities including this, that, and other Did some other things along these related to career information and transfer Promoted undergraduate research opportunities and advised 10 students who were interested in applying for internships. In my Oceanography courses Tried s ,y, z ,in my online courses Added scientist spotlights and combined that with an assignment in which students working in groups interviewed a geoscientist and reported on that. Added a peer tutoring component to our supplemental instruction In Physical Geology and Geography courses Brought in guest speakers who talked about careers THOUGHTS ON NEXT STEPS FOR OUR TEAM FOR MEETING THE GOAL OF: 1. Supporting the Academic Success of all Students 2. Broadening Participation 3. Facilitating Professional Pathways Team member 3 where appropriate Barriers and challenges we have encountered: Time - aslgkj alsdkgh alsdh alskgh alskghk alskgh askdgh alskgh alskdgh asldkgh alskdgh asgha, agh alkdg, skdgn alskdg Challenging communication among Faculty - oqweity oqweit oqweit oqwieth oqwieth oqwieth oqwieth qowieth qowith qoweiht Schedule conflicts - laskhg alskdhg alskgh alskhg alkgh alskg alsdkgn alsdkgn (20 pt font) Challenge 3 - Alsdkgh alskdgn alskdng alksdgn alksdng alskdgoqiweht qowt oqiwety Another line 32 point font and not bold Challenge 4 - Outcomes Assessment Data Bullet item 1, important information, important information Bullet item 2, important information, important information Bullet item 3, important information, important information Bullet Item 4, important information, important information Our Champion Team Geoff Feiss, Provost Henry Broaddus, VP Strategic Initiatives Kate Conley, Dean of Arts and Sciences Virginia Community College Transfer Office Personnel (yet to be determined)