Welcome to St Hubert’s Pre-School Phonics Workshop y e w u l d c u t b n q m Welcome to St Hubert’s Pre-School Phonics Workshop x i k o z h n g f r s v a p j St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
What we are covering… The importance of learning sounds and listening skills. Phase One – Letters and Sounds 7 Aspects to Phase One/Activity Ideas Phase Two – Letters and Sounds Letter Progression Brief introduction to Phase Three St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Main approaches to supporting your children Listening It is important that you encourage your child to listen, during everyday tasks. This enables your child to develop the skills to learn how to listen to sounds in words. Phonics! Remember…Children need to use Letter Sounds and not letter names, and always use lower case letters. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Things to remember… Praise and Encouragement Special place and time to learn together Enjoyment Fun St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Phase One – Letters and Sounds The activities in Phase One are mainly adult led for the intention of teaching young children the important basic elements of the letters and sounds programme. How practitioners and parents/carers model speaking and listening, interact and talk with children is critical to the success of phase one. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Key adult behaviours Listen to and encourage talking. Model good listening and language. Provide good models of spoken English to help young children enlarge their vocabulary and learn. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
The 7 Aspects of Phase One Environmental Sounds Instrumental Sounds Body Percussion Rhythm and Rhyme Alliteration Voice Sounds Oral Blending and segmenting St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Activity Ideas Aspect 1 – Environmental Sounds Listening Walk – Remind children about what good listeners do. Tune children into the sounds going on around them, for example on a walk to school. Reflect and Record – What sounds do they remember? Aspect 2 – Instrumental Sounds Grandmothers Footsteps – ‘Grandmother’(you or child) has a range of instruments and the children decide what movement goes with which sound, for example shaker for running on tiptoe, triangle for Fairy Steps. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Activity Ideas continued… Aspect 3 – Body Percussion Action Songs – Sing with your children and encourage children to add claps, knee pats, stamps or move in a particular way. Aspect 4 – Rhythm and Rhyme Rhyming Books, for example highlight the words that rhyme. Gruffalo – “A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood, A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good,” St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Activity Ideas continued… Aspect 5 – Alliteration Simple game of I Spy – remember to use letter sounds and not names. Aspect 6 – Voice Sounds Voice Sounds, show children how they can make sounds with their voices. For example, I’m going down the slide weeeee, the train is going choo choo. Aspect 7 – Oral blending and segmenting Oral Blending – It is important that the children have plenty of experience of listening to adults modelling oral blending. For example ‘Its time to get your c-oa-t… coat,” c oa t St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Phase Two- Letters and Sounds Children entering Phase Two, will have experienced a wealth of the activities explained in phase one. Many children will be able to distinguish between speech sounds and many will be able to blend and segment words orally. If children haven’t reached this level it will not prevent them from moving on to phase Two as the speaking and listening activities continue. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Purpose of Phase Two Teach at least 19 letter sounds. Move children on from oral blending and segmentation to blending and segmenting with letters. (If they are ready, e.g. c-a-t) It sets up the foundations for beginning to read simple words. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Letter Sound Progression Set 1 - s a t p Set 2 – i n m d Set 3- g o c k Set 4- ck e u r Set 5 – h b f,ff l, ll ss How we do it – Sounds of the Week with Actions! (See handout). ACTIVITY – Time for you to join in! St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Letter flash cards of the ones you are learning Teach Practice Revisit Sequence of Teaching Letter flash cards of the ones you are learning Teach Practice Revisit St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Blending Sounds to make simple words Use the sounds your child has learned to make simple words for example ‘s-a-t’ ‘p-i-n’ ‘c-a-t’ Just use the sounds you have been learning and words that are simple, remember this is just an introduction to reading. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Phase Three For children to enter into Phase Three, they should be blending and segmenting and know around 19 letter sounds. Children in Phase Three will learn the remaining letter sounds and begin to learn Graphemes. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Remaining Letter Sounds Set 6- j v w x Set 7 - y z,zz qu When children have learnt all of the letter sounds these Graphemes can be introduced: ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo ar ur ow oi ear air ure er St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Mark Making Children need to have plenty of opportunity to develop their fine motor skills Mark Making on a big and small scale can help with this Don’t tell your child they have scribbled all marks mean something to them! St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Learning to Write Children at this age may not have developed a preferred hand when holding a pen. Encourage your child to hold their pen in a pincer grip. Give your child other things to trace other than their name, use a light colour other than dots. When your child is writing their name and other letters please encourage them to write lower case letters. St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss
Remember! Always revisit what you have taught your child! Thankyou for coming and having good listening! St Hubert's Pre-School Laura Wroe and Nicola Atkiss