Seismic rated enclosures
Seismic Rated Enclosures Earthquakes are not limited to the state of California, nor are they infrequent. Seismic events take place every day throughout much of the continental United States. What does that have to do with Us? In many cases, millions of dollars worth of technology depend on the quality and installation method of the rack that it is stored in. Cost of building contents exceeds building cost Lack or improper anchorage cause of failure I should have used an Emcor rack. 11/11/2018
Recent Earthquakes 2 earthquakes per week in the new madrid region -M6 every 70 years…40-60% M6 within 15 yrs 5.5-6.5M in Utah about once every 7-10 years All 50 states have experienced an earthquake 39 are at risk of moderate to major earthquakes US has 10 moderate earthquakes per year 11/11/2018
Seismic Activity Potential in the US
Crenlo Offers a Solution for Both! The Ratings There are two ratings by which enclosures are deemed seismic: IBC The IBC (International Building Code) is a set of guidelines which describe how to properly secure objects -in this case enclosures- so that they do not tip over and cause injury to anyone during an earthquake. Telcordia GR-63 GR-63 describes the protection level of an enclosure. It requires an enclosure to provide a level of protection such that the equipment inside shall sustain operation without replacement of components, manual rebooting, (or) human intervention during an earthquake. Crenlo Offers a Solution for Both!
The Differences between the Ratings Note: With the launch, we will issue a technical document that covers the information on this slide. The info can also be found on our website! IBC Telcordia GR-63 Historical Base Architectural/Building Telecommunications Test Procedures Formulas Shaker Table The Maps Specific: Shows how bad an earth-quake can be at a specific site Generic: Shows the likelihood of a seismic event occurring in a region Installation Varies Consistent IBC: 1989 Santa Cruz earthquake (loma prieta) rated 7.0 and caused 10 billion in damages 1994 Los Angeles earthquake (northridge) rated 6.6 caused 80 billion in damages FEMA spent almost 100 billion dollars in aid for the repairs of both earthquakes (40-80% non-structual damage) FEMA’s response = All construction of new buildings that is eligible under the Public Assistance Program must use appropriate seismic design and construction standards and practices UBC (West Coast), SBC (South), BOCA (East Coast, Midwest) combine to create IBC States had to adopt it to secure FEMA funding. 11/11/2018
What to do if your Customer needs Seismic Determine if it is IBC or Telcordia GR-63 requirement. 2. Determine the weight load including the enclosure. 3. Contact the factory
IBC Kit Specifics
Location within Building It All about the Anchoring Geographic Location Location within Building Type of Floor Weight Load > 50% < 50% Ground 11/11/2018
Essential vs. Non-Essential Buildings Buildings classified as essential would require that the electronics continue to function in the event of an earthquake. Fire, Medical, Police Structures, Critical Government Agencies. Buildings classified as non-essential would simply require the enclosure to remain standing. Corporate Headquarters, Schools, Sports Complex. Crenlo currently offers a solution for non-essential buildings
The Certification Process Development information: identification of non-structual component geometry. anchor system geometry occupancy category (intended function of building) importance factor (essential / non-essential) seismic design category (how bad can earthquake be at site) identification of seismic hazards seismic ground motion values site classes (soil profile) design ground motion coefficients spectral respone accelerations and design response spectrum seismic anchor load analysis equivalent force method 11/11/2018
What the Customer Receives 1) IBC Kit with Bracket & Spacer 2) Assembly Instructions Note The Following: This kit will not work with Casters/ Levelers. Anchors must be ordered separately. Certification info can be found on the website.
Seismic Products Comparison Telcordia GR-63 Standard Floor-tie-down Kit IBC (non-essential) IBC (essential) Seismic Strength Cost
FAQ’s Note: With the launch, we will issue a document containing a detailed list of FAQ’s and Answers. You can also reference our White Paper on this topic. It is available for download on our website!
List Price and Part Numbers XTDK-IBC – Works with 10 Series Product Line Price: 97.00 GTDK-IBC – Will work with G-Series Product Line when released Price: 97.00
Not all Seismic Enclosures are Created Equal Middle Atlantic – Has seismic brackets and documentation for each of its vertical enclosures. Documentation claims that the brackets are certified to UBC, CBC, IBC, ASCE and NFPA (certifications vary on enclosure and bracket type). Great Lakes – Offers a Seismic Anchor Kit and a “Seismic Zone 4 Enclosure” that complies to GR-63-CORE. The Seismic Anchor Kit complies to 2003 and 2006 IBC. APC – Offers a seismic option of their NetShelter enclosure as well as Bolt-Down Kit for the NetShelter SX line. The Seismic enclosure is rated to GR-63-CORE and the Bolt-Down Kit meets UBC Zone 4 Seismic anchoring requirements. Damac – Offers “Seismic NEBS” (compliant to GR-63-CORE) and “Seismic UBC” enclosure options.