Ted talk How to use a paper towel
Talk to a partner On average, how many paper towels do you use to dry your hands? Do you use a lot of paper towels at your house? Is there a “right” way and a “wrong” way to use a paper towel? Why should we care about how we use paper towels?
Figures Numbers Noun
Recycle Reuse Verb
Reduce Make smaller Verb
Tear off Remove Verb
Shake Move up and down or side to side Verb
Fold Make smaller by bending Verb
Invention New, man-made creation Noun
Waved Moved my hand to get someone’s attention Verb
Dispenser Machine that gives you something Noun
Proved Showed something Verb
Let’s Watch the Talk Take notes the best you can. Listen for main ideas, facts, and numbers. www.ted.com/talks/joe_smith_how_to_use_a_paper_towel/transcript
Listening Questions Use your notes to answer the following questions: What is the main point of Joe Smith’s TED Talk? How is it possible to use only one paper towel per use? What is the technique Joe Smith shares? About how many pounds of paper per year can using this technique save? What is the joke that Joe Smith makes at the very end of the talk?
Discussion Questions Do you recycle? Why or why not? If you recycle, what do you recycle? In your culture, is it usual for people to shake hands when they first meet? In your opinion, what’s the most useful invention in the last 10 years? What is easier for you to understand, words or figures? Explain why. What is one way you can reduce the amount of paper you use? Do you always fold your clothes at night and put them away, or do you sometimes put them on the furniture or on the floor?