Tori McKinney 6th Grade 2nd PD The Three R’s Tori McKinney 6th Grade 2nd PD
Recycle Recycling occurs when you save and take things that you can reuse again and again and again. The things that you recycle can be used to make new things. You can even recycle a computer case when you get with it or when you get a new one. #recycle
Reduce When you reduce you want to use less things and buy less things. Only get things that you need because if everyone gets want they want and what they need it would take up so much room that there wouldn’t be room for everyone. When you go to the store you can refuse the store bags and you can take reusable bags to use. m#reduce
Reuse You can reuse materials like plastic bottles by using a cup that you can wash out like a mug or a glass cup. When you are done using one thing and you aren’t going to keep it anymore you should sell it or give it away because one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. You can also donate things to any chaired in your community. #recycle
Why Should You Go Green The world has a fixed of natural resources some of them are already depleted. We need to save the air instead of riding in a car we could ride bikes or walk. Household batteries and electronics often contain dangerous chemicals that may pollute local landfill, and the groundwater. WhyGoGreen/
Interesting Facts Every year Americans throw away enough paper and plastic cups, forks, and spoons to go around the equator 300 times. Over 7 billion pounds of PVC are thrown away in the U.S. each year. Only 18 million pounds of PVC people recycled. The average American office worker uses about 500 disposable cups every year. wasteFacts.html