Environmental Issues The three R’s.
Within the catering industry it is important that we take into account environmental issues. You should have an understanding of how to conserve energy and water when preparing food and how to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Catering establishments can reduce, reuse and recycle the waste they produce by: Buying ingredients that are fresh or in less packaging. Buying ingredients in bulk. Sending food waste to local farms for animal feed. Putting vegetable peelings onto a compost heap for the garden. Recycle all plastic, glass, paper and card Reusing large containers for storing goods. Encouraging customers to recycle by putting recycling bins around the establishment. Using bio-degradable products that are less harmful to the environment
Conserving energy & water by: Investing in energy-efficient equipment. Keeping lids on pans. Keeping equipment clean. Having regular maintenance checks Having efficient temperature controls Having full loads for dishwashers & washing machines. Turn equipment off when not in use.