African Insurance Organisation...1 The African Insurance Organisation Serving the African Serving the African Insurance industry Organisation des Assurances Africaines
African Insurance Organisation...2 African Insurance Organisation A Presentation of the AIO Insurance Software Developed with the assistance of UNCTAD and leading insurers and reinsurers operating in Africa
African Insurance Organisation...3 AIO Software Objectives To Provide members with affordable and functional software that handles: To Provide members with affordable and functional software that handles: Underwriting Underwriting Claims Claims Reinsurance Reinsurance Accounts Accounts MIS MIS
African Insurance Organisation...4 The AIO Software Specifications Windows NT/Windows 2000/XP Windows NT/Windows 2000/XP Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server Multi-lingual, multi-currency, multi- date, Multi-lingual, multi-currency, multi- date, Single-user or multi-user Single-user or multi-user Modular Modular User defined setup options User defined setup options Context sensitive on-line help Context sensitive on-line help
African Insurance Organisation...5 System Design Concepts Designed for insurance people with minimum programming knowledge; Designed for insurance people with minimum programming knowledge; PC based, with Standard windows interface PC based, with Standard windows interface Uniform presentation and set up for all classes Uniform presentation and set up for all classes Detailed operating manual for each class and activity Detailed operating manual for each class and activity User-friendly system User-friendly system
African Insurance Organisation...6 System Setup The system allows main set up options at head office level for functions applicable system-wide. The system allows main set up options at head office level for functions applicable system-wide. Underwriting, Claims and Reinsurance details will be set up under each class of insurance. Underwriting, Claims and Reinsurance details will be set up under each class of insurance. Plenty of pre-defined industry standard outputs and reports; additional reports to be defined easily by users. Plenty of pre-defined industry standard outputs and reports; additional reports to be defined easily by users.
African Insurance Organisation...7 Main Setup Head office Head office Divisions Divisions Branches Branches Sub-Branches Sub-Branches Class Groups Class Groups Classes / sub-classes Classes / sub-classes Accounts/sub-accounts Accounts/sub-accounts
African Insurance Organisation...8 UNDERWRITING There is a uniform approach to underwriting in all classes - only activities specific to each class are highlighted. There is a uniform approach to underwriting in all classes - only activities specific to each class are highlighted. Various codes, rates and underwriting details are defined for each class Various codes, rates and underwriting details are defined for each class each company can define the above in accordance with its requirements each company can define the above in accordance with its requirements
African Insurance Organisation...9 Underwriting Transactions – Proposal processing Proposal processing Premium calculation Premium calculation Reinsurance allocation Reinsurance allocation Co-insurance details Co-insurance details Treaty programme structure Treaty programme structure Calculating treaty capacity Calculating treaty capacity
African Insurance Organisation...10 Underwriting - Transactions Continued… Continued… Pre-renewal routines Pre-renewal routines Renewal processing Renewal processing Policy/item maintenance Policy/item maintenance Premium adjustment Premium adjustment Policy cancellation Policy cancellation
African Insurance Organisation...11 Underwriting - Reports & Outputs The system produces all reports and outputs required by an insurance company whether it is policy documentation and statements for clients, reinsurers, agents, tax authorities, and internal management reports. The system produces all reports and outputs required by an insurance company whether it is policy documentation and statements for clients, reinsurers, agents, tax authorities, and internal management reports. Main reports are shown below. Main reports are shown below.
African Insurance Organisation...12 Underwriting - Outputs Policy schedule Policy schedule Debit/credit note for Debit/credit note for · Policy holder · Sales person · Co-insurer · Reinsurer/Broker
African Insurance Organisation...13 Underwriting - Reports Gross written premium/Net written premium Gross written premium/Net written premium · by Class, Class group, by geographic zones · by U/W year by sales person, etc. Premium ceded bordereau Premium ceded bordereau Production and commission summary by sales person Production and commission summary by sales person Taxes and charges Taxes and charges Underwriting vouchers List Underwriting vouchers List
African Insurance Organisation...14 Underwriting - Reports Continued… Continued… Policy Register Policy Register Risk Profile (sum insured/MPL basis) Risk Profile (sum insured/MPL basis) Renewal scrutiny list Renewal scrutiny list Renewal list, by office and sales person Renewal list, by office and sales person Lapse list, policy cancellation list Lapse list, policy cancellation list UNEARNED PREMIUMS UNEARNED PREMIUMS You need more reports? You need more reports?
African Insurance Organisation...15 CLAIMS The claims sub-module enables the company to maintain up-to-date information on the status of claims, whether paid or outstanding The claims sub-module enables the company to maintain up-to-date information on the status of claims, whether paid or outstanding Allocation of claims to reinsurers and co- insurers, accumulation and analysis are handled by the system. Allocation of claims to reinsurers and co- insurers, accumulation and analysis are handled by the system.
African Insurance Organisation...16 Claims - Setup Claims - Setup Cause of loss codes Cause of loss codes Claim payee types Claim payee types Claim repudiation reasons Claim repudiation reasons Claim write-off reasons Claim write-off reasons Claim expense types Claim expense types EVENT MAINTENANCE EVENT MAINTENANCE
African Insurance Organisation...17 Claims - Transactions Notifications Notifications Payment Payment Recovery Recovery Revision/Closure Revision/Closure Reinstatement Reinstatement Claim Allocation Claim Allocation
African Insurance Organisation...18 Claims - Reports/Outputs Debit/credit note for payee, co-insurer, facultative reinsurer Debit/credit note for payee, co-insurer, facultative reinsurer Gross/Net claims paid by U/W year Gross/Net claims paid by U/W year Claims ceded bordereau Claims ceded bordereau Loss Profile Loss Profile O/S claims list, bordereau O/S claims list, bordereau Contingent recoveries summary & detail Contingent recoveries summary & detail Claim vouchers list Claim vouchers list
African Insurance Organisation...19 REINSURANCE The system provides treaty setup procedures for proportional and non- proportional reinsurance The system provides treaty setup procedures for proportional and non- proportional reinsurance Underwriting and claims transactions are automatically applied to the appropriate reinsurance programme Underwriting and claims transactions are automatically applied to the appropriate reinsurance programme Quarter-end and year-end procedures, treaty renewal and cancellations, etc. are fully handled by the system Quarter-end and year-end procedures, treaty renewal and cancellations, etc. are fully handled by the system
African Insurance Organisation...20 Reinsurance - Proportional Treaty setup Treaty setup Quarter-end procedures Quarter-end procedures Year-end procedures Year-end procedures Treaty renewal Treaty renewal Treaty cancellation Treaty cancellation
African Insurance Organisation...21 Reinsurance - non-proportional Treaty setup Treaty setup Treaty renewal Treaty renewal MNDP distribution MNDP distribution Premium adjustment Premium adjustment Reinstatement of cover Reinstatement of cover Treaty cancellation Treaty cancellation
African Insurance Organisation...22 Reinsurance - Outputs/Reports Proportional: Proportional: Treaty record - cession section Treaty record - cession section Treaty statement of account Treaty statement of account Portfolio transfer account Portfolio transfer account Profit commission statement (clean cut) Profit commission statement (clean cut) Profit commission statement (U/W year) Profit commission statement (U/W year) Treaty statistics (clean cut, U/w year basis) Treaty statistics (clean cut, U/w year basis) Loss carried forward register Loss carried forward register Reinsurers statement of account Reinsurers statement of account
African Insurance Organisation...23 Reinsurance - Outputs/Reports Non-Proportional: Non-Proportional: X/Loss treaty record - cession section X/Loss treaty record - cession section MNDP distribution MNDP distribution Credit Note (MNDP installment) Credit Note (MNDP installment) X/Loss premium adjustment X/Loss premium adjustment Distribution schedule - X/Loss premium adjustment Distribution schedule - X/Loss premium adjustment Reinsurers statement of account Reinsurers statement of account
African Insurance Organisation...24 ACCOUNTING The insurance system can be used as a stand-alone module, or can be integrated fully with a financial accounting software developed in the windows environment The insurance system can be used as a stand-alone module, or can be integrated fully with a financial accounting software developed in the windows environment There are a number of such accounting packages, one of which is Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics There are a number of such accounting packages, one of which is Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics Companies may also opt to use other accounting modules of their choice. Companies may also opt to use other accounting modules of their choice.
African Insurance Organisation...25 Accounts - Activities Voucher transaction entry Voucher transaction entry Applying vouchers Applying vouchers Month-end procedures: Month-end procedures: · Sales commissions · Statements of account Year-end procedures: Year-end procedures: · Closing the financial year
African Insurance Organisation...26 Accounts - Financial Statements From financial module From financial module Balance Sheet Balance Sheet Revenue Account Revenue Account Profit and Loss Statement Profit and Loss Statement Cash Flows Statement Cash Flows Statement Trial Balance Trial Balance
African Insurance Organisation...27 Accounts - Reports/Outputs Aged clients statement of account Aged clients statement of account Commissions and commission provisions by U/W year, class and salesperson Commissions and commission provisions by U/W year, class and salesperson GL transactions list, summary GL transactions list, summary Accounts voucher list Accounts voucher list You need more reports? You need more reports?
African Insurance Organisation...28 System Utilities and Tools System security System security Data security Data security Activity tracking Activity tracking Multi-lingual functions Multi-lingual functions Multi-currency functions Multi-currency functions Multi-date functions Multi-date functions Business alerts Business alerts
African Insurance Organisation...29 Support Service Advice & guidelines to convert existing operation Advice & guidelines to convert existing operation Installation Installation Training Training Maintenance and support Maintenance and support Free upgrades and enhancements Free upgrades and enhancements
African Insurance Organisation...30 Pricing Affordable Affordable Based on size of company Based on size of company Price components include: Price components include: Number of branches and users Number of branches and users Number of classes written Number of classes written Discount for large number of users per market Discount for large number of users per market