PINAY (Filipino Women’s Organization in Quebec) Evelyn Calugay Chairperson
MISSION STATEMENT PINAY is a not-for-profit grassroots organization for migrant and immigrant Filipino women that was founded in 1991. Our mission is to empower Filipino women, and in particular domestic workers, to fight for their basic rights and welfare. As an organization, we educate caregivers on their rights, organize migrant and immigrant women workers, provide services to our members and advocate for progressive changes to immigration and labour policy in Quebec. For over two decades, PINAY has brought together caregivers and their supporters in the struggle to improve the working and living conditions of domestic workers
BASIC ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Legal Information Clinic Educational presentations & cultural activities Fundraising activities Managing daily operational expenses Administrative tasks Social media Casework & student supervision Member outreach & mobilization Maintaining allies & partnerships Organizing Committee Executive Committee Education Committee Finance PINAY is run on a 100% volunteer basis. Our members join a committee and participate in these tasks, among others. The Executive Committee members are elected biannually.
PINAY’s PROGRAM b. Philippines Overseas Employment Agency policy/ Overseas Workers Welfare Assistance c. Quebec Values d. Recent issues Legal Information Clinic Services – based on the availability the members Monthly Fundraising Activities Workshops : a. Labour regulations b. Immigration policies c. Charter of Rights d. Human Trafficking – emphasis for Forced Labour e. Theater workshop/ other skills training Forums/ Education Discussions a. Sexual Violence against Women b. Philippines Overseas Employment Agency policies/ Overseas Workers Welfare Assistance.
Challenges Community Organization Victims/workers Restrained mobility and decision making of the victim is under duress High anxiety level and fear of retribution and deportation Limited or no access to the community or the outside world No knowledge of their rights No access to their travel documents or identification Isolation and absence of support system Language barrier Burden of Proof is on the victim Fear of being blame and judge Community Organization Limited human and financial resources Limited support from other organization Limited legal pro-bono representation Time constraint Difficulty to navigate within the system Limited understanding on the definition of Human Trafficking within advocates and service provider Denial of services from service providers due to the victim’s immigration status and incomplete material evidence and Long processing delays for claims
Successes Gained trust and confidence towards advocates Despite of the presence of their high anxiety level, they were able to provide testimonial declaration and some material evidences Regularized status after 2 - 3 years Social benefits and services were provided Labour commission accepted claims after an appeal of reconsideration was filed Gained self confidence and empowerment They were able to stabilize their life and integrate to the work force in particular and to the society in general