Pleased to be sharing the next step in the implementation of the 2020 Workforce Vision with you today The 2016-17 Implementation Plan has been developed through continued engagement and collaboration This is an opportunity to thank you for your continued input, provide you with some feedback and gather your views on progress in implementation Everyone Matters:2020 Workforce Vision has been in place now since June 2013. We are using this slide show to: raise awareness of the next steps in the implementation of the 2020 Workforce Vision set out the actions for Boards, Scottish Government and others to take forward in 2016-17 identify what resources are available to support Boards Explain how we will know that we are making a difference
2020 Workforce Vision “We will respond to the needs of the people we care for, adapt to new, improved ways of working, and work seamlessly with colleagues and partner organisations. We will continue to modernise the way we work and embrace technology. We will do this in a way that lives up to our core values. Together we will create a great place to work and deliver a high quality healthcare service which is among the best in the world.” The 2020 Workforce Vision has not changed. It was developed with the help of those who participated in the engagement exercise, the consultation and some small focus groups. It reflects what people think needs to happen to deliver the 2020 Vision for Healthcare in Scotland and mirrors the 2020 Vision statement which describes the service vision for the future The workforce is critical to delivering the 2020 Vision for health and social care 2020 Workforce Vision is the policy direction for NHSScotland acknowledging the wider integration agenda It supports individuals, teams and NHSBoards in realising their local vision It will deliver against key actions set out each year as part of the Implementation Framework
Shared Values Care and compassion Dignity and respect Openness, honesty and responsibility Quality and teamwork The values have not changed. Values are important as they impact on everything that we do and will help make the 2020 Workforce Vision a reality They are important in the way we work and treat each other, in guiding the decisions we take, identifying and dealing with behaviours that don’t live up to our expectations and help create a working environment where everyone takes responsibility for the way we work not just the work they do. The goal is to put people at the centre of everything we do and work to a common set of values which guide the work we do Work on NHSScotland’ s values began at the NHSScotland Conference in 2012 Historically, there has been no set of common values for NHSScotland Many Boards have developed their own values NHSScotland core values have been developed from what people have told us through the engagement and consultation process Boards are expected to ensure their values reflect the core values for NHSScotland complementing and supporting them Most Boards have values in place and are embedding them in everything they do from recruitment to education and development
Five Key Priorities Healthy organisational culture Sustainable workforce Capable workforce Integrated workforce Effective leadership and management The 5 priorities have not changed. They remain the same. They have been developed from what everyone told us was important to them in delivering services up to 2020 What will change is the focus within these priorities and this will happen every year as each annual implementation plan is published. The 2016-17 plan emphasises the importance of integration and health inequalities.
How do we measure progress? Monitored locally through local reporting arrangements Monitored nationally through Local Delivery Plans (LDPs)mainly Also taking into account Annual Reviews, Staff Governance Monitoring and Staff Survey Boards have local implementation plans in place to deliver their actions and have their own reporting arrangements Nationally we committed to use existing systems to avoid overburdening boards This will mainly be through LDPs which have been in transition and are changing. Guidance will be issued to reflect this. There are other systems in place where an overall sense of progress can be gained from Boards and these are through the Annual Review self assessment, Staff Governance Monitoring and the staff survey. In the future iMatter will play a crucial role in measuring progress once it is rolled out across Scotland
Key messages Our workforce is the key to delivering high quality healthcare We have a clear vision for 2020 and a set of values that underpin everything that we do Everyone needs to be valued, treated well and supported to give their best. This will help to improve patient care and overall outcomes We are committed to longevity and a continuous improvement approach building on annual implementation plans Our emphasis in the 2016-17 implementation plan is on integration and health inequalities Together we will create a great place to work and deliver a high quality sustainable healthcare service This set of key messages builds on what we have said before It underlines the importance of the workforce, that we have a clear goal ahead and have steps along the way to achieve that It recognises the impact on patients when staff are valued and treated well It supports the aim to make it a great place to work where quality services are provided
Resources Implementation plan 2016-17 Suite of communications resources for NHS Boards to adapt and use locally Case studies for sharing good practice A number of resources have been building up on the website to support implementation These include the 2016-17 implementation plan a number of resources that Boards can adapt and use locally case studies More information is available on the website shown on the slide Have a look and see what is there Add to the case studies Give us some feedback Thank you