What do you see?
What do you see?
The Nature of Sociology a. Define Perspective- a particular point of view. b. Our attitudes/beliefs are determined by our perspective- biased and prejudiced towards our own perspective. (ex- my child is the cutest!) The Nature of Sociology
Study of human group behavior, not individual behavior. Social forces mold human behavior- religion, family, peers, media, etc… What is Sociology?
Sociological Perspective Allows us to explain events with social reasons rather than personal reasons. Sociological Perspective
Societal Terms: ***Studied by Sociologists** A young man joins a gang because they have been taught by their society to be “masculine”. More women divorce because of the social trend toward sexual equality. Teens commit suicide because of peer group expectations of performance, sexuality, or being bullied. Societal Terms: ***Studied by Sociologists**
**An important aspect of Sociology is to question and research common sense answers and conventional wisdom** ** Your decisions will be based on reality rather than socially accepted beliefs** COMMON SENSE!!
More Students are killed in school shooting today now then 10-15 years ago. The earnings of U.S. women have just about caught up with those of U.S. men. It is more dangerous to walk near topless bars than fast-food restaurants. Most rapists are mentally ill. T/F COMMON SENSE Q’S
Compared with women, men make more eye contact in face-to-face conversations. Couples who live together before marriage are usually more satisfied with their marriages than couples who do not live together before marriage. Most people on welfare are lazy and looking for a handout. They could work if they wanted to. T/F COMMON SENSE Q’S
Most husbands of employed wives who themselves get laid off from work take up the slack and increase the amount of housework they do. Because bicyclists are more likely to wear helmets now than just a few years ago, their rate of head injuries has dropped. Students in Japan are under such intense pressure to do well in school that their suicide rate is double that of U.S. students. T/F COMMON SENSE Q’S
Common Sense Team Activity One team member at a time will pick a strip and read it to the group. Evaluate the Common Sense phrase. What does it mean? HMMM? How can this phrase be applied to real life? Examples. Is there any Reality to the phrase? Explain? Common Sense Team Activity