Twinkle Markana and Alyssa Pecorella VENUS This is a picture indicating how hot each part of Venus. Purple is the hottest, red is the coldest. Twinkle Markana and Alyssa Pecorella
History jjj The planet got its name from the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Venus’s Greek name is Aphrodite. Galileo Galile saw Venus through a telescope in 1610. Robert Richardson noticed Venus spinning backwards.
Solar System Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is 67,239 miles from the sun 243 Earth days = 1 day on Venus. It takes 225 Earth days for Venus to orbit the sun. It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to make a full rotation. So really it takes one Venus day to make a full orbit.
Moons Venus has no moons. Scientists believe Venus had 1 moon long ago. Others believe Venus’s moon crashed into Venus.
Planet appearance Venus is a rusty orange with a highlight of yellow. Venus is covered with lava and millions of craters. Venus has many volcanos and mountains.
Exploration The Mariner 2 launched on August 27, 1962 to visit Venus. In the 1970’s the Soviet Union was able to land more than one probe on Venus. In 1967 Russian probes began orbiting and landing in Venus.
Interesting facts The air around Venus is poisonous because the white clouds are made of drops of sulfuric acid. Venus has no rings. Venus is hotter than Mercury.