Food In the time of Jesus
Breakfast The first meal of the day was not a big meal. The family would eat bread and cheese, and then have some fruit or olives.
Dinner The main meal of the day was in the evening. The women made a pot of stew with vegetables or lentils. Everyone would scoop food out of the pot using a piece of bread.
Feast days The Jewish people enjoyed many different feast days and celebrations. On the feast days special foods would be eaten, like sweet pastries. The feasts were happy times where people came together and sung and danced. Wedding feasts went for many days.
Milk In the time of Jesus people drank milk from sheep, goats and camels. They used the milk to make cheese and butter.
Meat Most families didn’t usually eat meat. They had meat on special feasts. The most common meat was goat but they also ate lamb.
Wine The main drink for adults in the time of Jesus was wine. Grape juice was used to make wine. The water was often not clean so the wine was safer to drink.