IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG Teleconference Agenda Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 27 Sept 2018 IEEE 802.18 RR-TAG Teleconference Agenda Dates: 27 September 18 Authors: Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
Call to Order / Administrative Items 27 Sept 2018 Call to Order / Administrative Items Officers for the RR-TAG / IEEE 802.18: Chair is Jay Holcomb (Itron) Vice-chair is open Secretary is Allan Zhu (Huawei) Voters: 40 (9 on EC); Nearly Voter: 1; Aspirant members: 9 (before Interim) With teleconferences approval on 12 July 2018, quorum is met. After aug31, after 12 July 2018. A quorum is met since this meeting was announced more then 45 days ago. IEEE 802 Required notices: Affiliation FAQ - > Be sure to announce you name, affiliation, employer and clients the first time you speak. Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE 802 WG Policies and Procedures - The 4 administration slides, reminder from your WG opening plenary new 02jan18 (note: call for essential patents is n/a, as the RR-TAG does not do standards) Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings September 2016 doc.: IEEE 802.11-16/1124r0 27 Sept 2018 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs of different technical approaches that include relative costs of patent licensing terms may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain the primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- For more details, see IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and Antitrust and Competition Policy: What You Need to Know at Jay Holcomb (Itron) 3 Dorothy Stanley (HP Enterprise)
Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings 27 Sept 2018 Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings Participation in any IEEE 802 meeting (Sponsor, Sponsor subgroup, Working Group, Working Group subgroup, etc.) is on an individual basis Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. ( section 5.2.1) IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. (subclause 4.2.1 “Establishment”, of the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures) Participants have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. A Participant’s obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. Participants shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see section and the IEEE 802 LMSC Working Group Policies and Procedures, subclause 3.4.1 “Chair”, list item x. By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate. (and please leave the call.) Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Agenda 27 Sept 2018 Call to Order Administrative items Discussion items, few more details: EU Items General items, ETSI, CEPT, etc. White House 5G summit Any spectrum bands that are of interest from 802.18’ s perspective 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802. General discussion items: ACMA LIPD update Also ACMA’s 5yr plan is out. Additional FS Protection ex parte Call to Order Attendance server is open Administrative items Need a recording secretary Approve agenda & last minutes Any interest in being the 802.18 Vice-Chair? Discussion items EU Items White House 5G Summit 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802. General Discussion Items Actions required tbd AOB and Adjourn Agenda Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Administrative – Motions and more 27 Sept 2018 Administrative – Motions and more Need a recording secretary for the Wireless Interim in Waikoloa, anyone? _______________________ Motion: To approve the agenda as presented on previous slide Moved by: Vijay Auluck (Self) Seconded by: Billy Verso (Decawave) Discussion? Vote: Unanimous consent Motion: To approve the minutes from the IEEE 802.18 teleconference on 06 Sept 2018 in document: minutes-06sep18-rr-tag-teleconference.doc Posted: 25-Sep-2018 17:09:32 ET Moved by: Hassan Yaghoobi (Intel) Seconded by: Vijay Auluck (Self) Does anyone have an interest in being the 802.18 Vice-Chair? Needs to be a member of the SA and a declaration of term commitment Jay Holcomb (Itron)
EU items to share 11-13 Sept 2018 General EU news? From Interim: TG28, TG11, TG-UWB are joining up to work this problem. Putting a document together. E.g. do all receive parameters have to be met in all standards? More to it. Chair of the ETSI group on receivers is getting all the inputs from all the different groups affected; which is most all groups. There is technical and political issues. E.g. it is more than the receiver parameters, there is the manufacturers declarations questions also. Spectrum utilization is the key, not efficiency, so clarity from the RE-D expectations. There is an ERM workshop coming up on 12 October that will be working on this issue. Earlier: Many are questioning the consultant’s input and EC services desk officer concern on leaving to much up to the manufacturer, and why the technical focus, though it should be processes. Letters are being generated to send to the EC with the concerns. This is hitting all the different technical and standards groups, e.g. could hit 3GPP even. There is some discussion if already OJEU standards, may be pulled back. Huge concern Jay Holcomb (Itron)
11-13 Sept 2018 EU items to share ETSI – BRAN – meeting #99 – was 18-21 Sept. From Interim: There is a push to approve the 60 GHz SR doc, next week. It is needed for other activities to move forward. Earlier: Contributions coming in. Upper 6GHz band TFES TR 103 612 early draft is out and BRAN TR 103 631 is posted. ETSI - ERM - TG-11 – meeting #54 – 15-19 Oct. Earlier: EN 300 328 (v2.2.1 (2018-04)) will not be published in the OJEU. And, to avoid existence of 2 different versions, the older v2.1.1. maybe withdrawn. Then a NB would be needed. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
11-13 Sept 2018 EU items -2 CEPT – ECC SE45 - Next f2f 2-3 October in Maisons-Alfort, Paris (France) From Interim: Minutes finally came out last night from the previous meetings. Included the discussions of SE45 and FM57 on UWB. FM57 document 8 has the details. 6 technical contributions coming in. The report for all this will not make this year, will slide into first of the 2019. Earlier: Input papers being worked on for the next meeting, revised simulation results, duty cycle, channelization, etc. CEPT – ECC FM57 - Next f2f 4 October in Maisons-Alfort, Paris (France) Earlier: Minutes are not out yet and a call on 12 Sept. being setup. FM57(18)007 Draft interim report in response to mandate is available for comment. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
White House 5G Summit 11-13 Sept 2018 White House Office of Science and Technology Policy is hosting a Summit on 5G this Friday. Apurva has been invited to this event and be representing the National Spectrum Consortium. Given that IEEE in general and IEEE 802 is working on many standards that are applicable to 5G, he would liked any material that you think will be of interest? This includes latest Working Group information, new standards and technologies that your groups are working on, policies that you want the Government to enact, as well spectrum bands that are of interest from 802.18’s perspective. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 1 of 5 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 11-13 Sept 2018 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 1 of 5 Tuesday of Interim: Should see the NPRM ‘draft’ text 3 weeks before the FCC Open meeting this is on the agenda. (Open meeting dates: 26 Sept, 23 Oct, 15 Nov) The time frame for comments and reply comments should be in this. Next step continues on where the 11ax CoEx document goes. There is a draft of the CoEx document comment resolutions and status: Plan is to have CoEx document in place by the November Plenary. Here is the link to the document discussed at the July Plenary with several of the EC Chairs, that talks to some options. If the NPRM comes out before IEEE 802 has a single voice, the .18 chair will call teleconference (s?) to work on the plan for NPRM response. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 2 of 5 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 11-13 Sept 2018 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 2 of 5 Thursday of Interim: is there anything we could do ahead of time to prepare for the calls? There are just a few of the many filings posted we should look at it that is indicating the direction(s) of the overall proceeding. See next couple of slides. .18 chair will add to agenda for 27 September teleconference to get feedback from members on these filings and if or how they may help IEEE 802 get to a single voice. We will also define some color coding on triage of the NPRM as many folks will be reviewing the NPRM and trying to help coordinate. If the draft NPRM comes out on 03 October, the agenda for our weekly teleconference on 04 October will focus on the NPRM. Side note, the .18 chair will be sure a good word document is on the .18 Mentor site. Remember, NPRMs have 2 primary categories to consider. Actual proposed rules to comment on. And answering appropriate ‘seek comment’ questions. There could be many. There is 2+ weeks before the FCC open meeting for initial feedback to the FCC, which could update the final NPRM. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 3 of 5 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 11-13 Sept 2018 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 3 of 5 Here are some of the more important filings to help show the direction the filing is going, considering the different interest groups. Response to FWCC and Comscope. This is the refined position, with some changes. Wanting to make 6 GHz like the 3.5 GHz for sharing. The 4 big mobile operators. 1000 new receivers that are activated per year, now, under current rules. Doesn’t include all the changes also going on. Primary frequency coordination, so has lots of history/experience for frequency coordination.. How to protect incumbents. Read attachment. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 4 of 5 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 11-13 Sept 2018 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 4 of 5 More: Other 2 satellite operators. OET debriefing, lots of points covered. Gets you up to April 2018. This came in later. For 6 GHz interest, we should begin with the RKF Study for sharing 1200 MHz above 5925 MHz Some of the primary interest groups. Broadcast Satellite Coordinator Skipped over utilities (will be protected; looking further asking for protection) <see latest> Skipped over public safety (going to First Net) (some discussion how backbone will work) No federal government uses Some additional notes. This band with 9 sets of rules is a very unique band in that respect. To add to the possible list of option for a single voice for IEEE 802: have a view on spectrum management of the band. (and maybe more silent on the rest). Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 5 of 5 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 11-13 Sept 2018 6 GHz and single voice from IEEE 802 5 of 5 Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
General Discussion Items -0 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 27 Sept 2018 General Discussion Items -0 Australia ACMA has confirmed its proposal to omit the limitation to indoor use from the column one class of transmitter and replace all four existing limitations with a single limitation in column four of item 65 that states: "The transmitter must comply with FCC Rules Title 47 Part 15 Section 255". ACMA has accordingly made the Radiocommunications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence Variation 2018 (No. 1) and you can refer to the details in the Australia Government's Federal Register of Legislation at Or Also ACMA has put out their final 5 year plan, 2018 – 2022 Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
General Discussion Items -1 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 27 Sept 2018 General Discussion Items -1 Additional Fixed Service (FS) Protection ex parte An ex parte filing given to the FCC on July 31st on sharing The proposal is to add a third database to the current TV White Space and CBRS databases. Automatic Frequency Coordination. Anyone familiar with the Frankenstein mess of automotive emissions controls knows that a piecemeal approach has a troubled future. Now is the time for us to plan for spectrum management for the next 20 years. We don’t need to stop current database developments, but must keep an eye to a future where all spectrum is controlled this way CBRS, 6 GHz, TVWS… What are thoughts from all on adding another coordination data base? Note: the NPRM on 3.7 – 4.2GHz is asking about the database used for CBRS. Looks like a 4th data base is being proposed and is this a good thing? 11y, TVWS, CBRS, This one (6 GHz), (and a 5th possibly at 3.7 to 4.2GHz.) A paper is being worked to cover this more completely. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
Actions Required 27 Sept 2018 Monitor: Other: Sharing and license-exempt; Additional Fixed Service (FS) Protection ex parte <doc> Next Generation Spectrum Management (NGSM) <doc> 802.11 WNG proposal on Future of Unlicensed Spectrum <doc> A perspective on regardless of everything we do, the available spectrum has a hard limit <doc> Including push to bi-directional sharing <doc> Other: EU Spectrum Management Statement Google waiver Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Any Other Business 27 Sept 2018 802_1118_November Plenary Registration Reminder Early Deadline September 28, tomorrow. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
27 Sept 2018 Adjourn Next teleconference: 04 October 2018 – 15:00 – <15:55 ET Call in info: teleconference-call-in-info.pptx (or latest) Note: If the call-in link doesn’t work send the Chair an email right away. All changes/cancellations will be sent out to the 802.18 list server. Adjourn: We are the end of our agenda, any objection to Adjourn. None heard, we are Adjourned at ___:____ ET The next face to face meeting of the 802.18 RR-TAG will be at the IEEE 802 Plenary 11-16 Nov 2018 at the, Marriott Marquis Bangkok, Thailand. Time slots, Tuesday AM2 and Thursday AM1 (and AM2 as extra) Thank You Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Thank You Back up and/or previous slides follow 27 Sept 2018 Reference, links to EU sites: Bran: ERM TG-11: CEPT SE45: CEPT FM57: OJEU: HS: Back up and/or previous slides follow Jay Holcomb (Itron)
General Discussion Items -4 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 27 Sept 2018 General Discussion Items -4 Sharing and license-exempt A study on feasibility and next steps toward a Next Generation Spectrum Management (NGSM). 802.11 San Diego WGN proposal on Future of Unlicensed Spectrum A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit spectrum.pptx Bi-directional sharing This came up in the IEEE 802 LeaderCon session in July and the 802.18 chair along with others have an action item to look at this more. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
IEEE 802 – Can we get to a Single Voice on 6GHz? -1 27 Sept 2018 IEEE 802 – Can we get to a Single Voice on 6GHz? -1 Word is the FCC NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) on 6GHz band should be out before the end of the year, and could be as soon as September. Comment period could be shorter, tbd. With that we need to understand in what direction IEEE 802 as a whole should (or should not) respond to the NPRM with. Reminder: IEEE P802.11ax – wants this band for spectrum expansion that WiFi needs. Keep in mind, others, e.g. 3GPP also want the band. IEEE 802.15.4, UWB, is already in use in the band, and is the band most used around the world for 802.15.4-UWB. The concern is WiFi interferes with UWB with its very low power. Recently 802.19 voted on the .11ax CoEx document and it failed. This is being worked on through the normal IEEE 802 process, to be updated and part upcoming letter ballot, etc. There are a number of other incumbents in USA and the EU concerned with coexistence. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
IEEE 802 – Can we get to a Single Voice on 6GHz? -2 27 Sept 2018 IEEE 802 – Can we get to a Single Voice on 6GHz? -2 Sunday, chairs of 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19 and others met to discuss this. Here is a link to what was reviewed, for-6ghz-band.pptx (includes comment that in the EU (and most other countries) UWB is a lower priority than WS/RLAN usage) Next steps 802.19/802.11ax, will work through the 802.11ax coexistence document through the process so it is updated, passes 802.19 and can be in an upcoming 802.11ax letter ballot. (802.18 will stay involved) Once the 802.11ax coexistence document is finished up, this will start next phase of defining the voice from IEEE 802 as a whole, that can be used on the NPRM. Until the NPRM actually comes out, we will not be sure what is in them exactly to know just how to do final comments, assuming we have a direction on voice from 802. Timing? Until the NPRM is published in the Federal Register, no way to speculate very close the date comments will be due. Speculating the shortest time frame is the NPRM is published early September with a 30 day comments period. Making them due mid-October between the September Interim and November plenary. New feedback, Learned this week October FCC open meeting is the latest word of when we may see the NPRM, not September as earlier indications. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
WiFi / UWB Coexistence -1 27 Sept 2018 WiFi / UWB Coexistence -1 IEEE 802.19 and other WG chairs are working on IEEE 802 single voice. From a high level, could we list out some of the following. Do not want to get into detail, just high level points to consider to help. What criteria should be considered? Power out needed, different for each technology. Bandwidth considerations. Channel sense, e.g. LBT. Incumbent protection. Interference types, blocks .vs. range decrease. Operational ranges themselves. Different modulation types . Tuning range of UWB (global considerations). Thursday: Is there a way to ID that UWB is there and transmitting? Jay Holcomb (Itron)
WiFi / UWB Coexistence -2 27 Sept 2018 WiFi / UWB Coexistence -2 What Use Cases should be considered? Higher speed (wider BWs) for WiFi users, e.g. streaming video, etc. Global availability (S. Korea just this week consultation 6 – 10.2 GHz for UWB) UWB applications - Many (See 15-17/0660), e.g. location is a significant use case. Where devices are used, height, indoor/outdoor, etc. Review 15.2 co-existence of WiFi / BT / … Co-located in a device, and non-co-located. Thursday: Nothing new. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
IEEE EU position statement on spectrum management Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 27 Sept 2018 IEEE EU position statement on spectrum management From earlier teleconferences: IEEE European Public Policy Position Statement on Spectrum Management public-policy-position-statement-on-spectrum-management.pdf (old rev) We are being asked to review this statement, similar to the one in November, though some focus for the EU. Guidance is to review and comment in detail. Document 18-18/0028rxx, latest revision is our current review markup. Please send comments to .18 chair, to integrate, to be reviewed by the TAG. Becoming clearer the starting premise of the current paper is from several years ago and input is coming in the premise has changed in recent years. Considering the question on older premise, it has on the statement: This statement was developed by the IEEE European Public Policy Committee Working Group on ICT and represents the considered judgment of a broad group of European IEEE members with expertise in the subject field. Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
IEEE EU Position Statement -2 27 Sept 2018 IEEE EU Position Statement -2 Went through 18-18/0028r01 review copy, the remaining sections we have not reviewed and found a couple of specific areas that need clarity. And brought audience up to speed on point premise of paper is from a few years back and had agreement with those that spoke up. Some general questions: Should the IEEE SA (the position statement we reviewed in November and January) and the IEEE EU collaborate on these 2 separate position statements in some fashion? Then move above them. (.18 should still review) What was original driver to do the statement? Who is the general audience it is written for? As it is, there is a concern if it is sent out and organizations our members are working with, CEPT, BRAN, etc. it will cause confusion, and more. Request that anyone with specific input to continue to please pass on to the .18 chair, sooner. .18 chair will cleanup the review revision of the paper (should end up r02) and ask the IEEE 802 chair for further guidance on next steps. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
IEEE EU spectrum management statement Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 27 Sept 2018 IEEE EU spectrum management statement What was sent to the IEEE 802 chair for a short write up on our overall view and what is needed: In our opinion spectrum policy cannot be based on measuring 3-D occupancy and then enforce corrections. Spectrum policy needs to allow for dynamic sharing and allocation with the technologies available today and coming in the future. In addition, society’s goals are not that all spectrum is occupied in high-value locations, rather that services are available in high-value locations, meeting what users are expecting. And there is agreement to propose using the SA statement for this need also, as it will work globally. Discussed even if SA wants to keep separate from the other Operating Units, we still feel this statement could work for the EU (and globally). Email sent to GPPC and cc: the EU spectrum group contact. And, nothing at this point. today: In addition, society’s goals are not that all spectrum is occupied in high-value locations, that expected services and performance are available in high-value locations, rather that the user experiences satisfactory services. Policy cannot be based on “we can measure 3-D occupancy” and enforce corrections Spectrum Assignments are Broad measures by society We went 100 years without much monitoring of spectrum utilization Fundamentally, Trust But Verify Can the license reporting be enough to see Spectrum Assignments are working? Jay Holcomb (Itron) John Doe, Some Company
A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum – from last week 27 Sept 2018 A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum – from last week A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit See: for-unlicensed-spectrum.pptx Will review and discuss The idea is to cover the entire spectrum in the database, all of it. Then knowing what frequency range the device is in and geographic location, can manage the users. Similar idea years back were not fully accepted, though with recent actions, e.g. 6GHz, a data base maybe viewed differently now. Should look at the CBRS database and what can we learn from it. This is a long term effort, and need to start to put all the pieces together, before going to regulators. 3550 filings of interest: Google October 2017 overall summary 11789).pdf Slide 16 SAS providers & carriers have developed a mutuall satisfactory legal agreement covering confidential data Appendix A:Wireless Innovation Forum and SAS and CBSD Standards Development Jay Holcomb (Itron)
A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum 27 Sept 2018 A Future For Unlicensed Spectrum A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit See: for-unlicensed-spectrum.pptx (more regulatory based) The most recent document is: 11-18/1055rxx (more standards based) We reviewed and discussed the latest .11 version for Plenary WNG in San Diego. The idea is to cover the entire spectrum in the database, all of it. Then knowing what frequency range the device is in and geographic location, can manage the users. Similar idea years back were not fully accepted, though with recent actions, e.g. 6GHz, a data base maybe viewed differently now. A perspective on regardless of everything we do to develop new, better, faster wireless technologies, the available spectrum has a hard limit Jay Holcomb (Itron)
IEEE – not connected and underserved (from last week) 27 Sept 2018 IEEE – not connected and underserved (from last week) IEEE Connectivity Coalition Internet Inclusion means that all stakeholders are engaged in the planning and implementation of technology systems; that all potential people impacted can access and have certain rights to understand the implications of the technology and know how to use it safely and ethically; and that with these technologies come more services, tools, increased information and opportunities to expand access for communities around the world. As digital technology is increasingly used for educational, employment, health, commercial and informational purposes, Internet Inclusion is critical for full engagement, participation and opportunity in the social, economic and civic life of society. This ties into the effort brought up at the Chicago meeting on how to connect the 3.8B people, not connected today. Stayed tuned as we learn more. Rich will be talking to Senior Director, Technology Policy and International Affairs on this and what we can do. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
Potential reference document when doing comments 27 Sept 2018 Potential reference document when doing comments Note: in the 802.19 co-existence <1 GHz meeting it was brought up for IEEE 802 as a whole to put together a document on basic spectrum parameters that would be good for all IEEE 802 standards to co-exist (less interference….) Actually, need to have this for all IEEE 802 to just work in the spectrum, e.g. BWs needed. Not just coexistence. Point being that 802.18 can refer to / use when responding to regulators on different consultations, to encourage regulators in general to configure their spectrum to allow all the IEEE 802 standards in a more consistent/friendly way. For the many in attendance, it was felt many regulators would appreciate at least knowing this. Additional point to add to the doc, duty cycle is not for the protocol/standard/amendment being discussed, it is a regulation to allow others (and their packet lengths) to have access to the spectrum. Jay Holcomb (Itron)
27 Sept 2018 Fellowship Request Fellowship request on reaching out to all regulators. Enhancing Collaboration between IEEE 802 and World Regulators on unlicensed spectrum regulations between-ieee-802-and-world-regulators-on-unlicensed-spectrum-regulations.pptx Thursday: A start is to keep in touch with the fellowship attendees. They are welcome to our meetings and calls. Could something be added to the IEEE newsletter/communication for the regulators, to answer the news letter input? Can IEEE be more pro-active with some of the other (e.g. regional) regulators? The challenge is to ID which we can, and being a volunteer / individual organization, the time and money from the volunteers? Many regulators don’t have IEEE has a point of contact like they do with WFA or other implementing orgs do. Jay Holcomb (Itron)