Tracking of VET graduates Presentation for the EQAVET Annual Network meeting 20 June 2018 Koen Bois d'Enghien DG EMPL unit E3 VET, apprenticeships and adult education
Overview presentation Key elements of the Council Recommendation on tracking graduates State of play of the EU pilot survey of tertiary education graduates Findings of the mapping study on VET graduate tracking measures
Council Recommendation on tracking graduates – Member State commitments Creation or further development of graduate tracking systems (administrative data and longitudinal surveys) Participation in a network of experts - mutual learning and discussing comparability of data Dissemination and exploitation of graduate tracking information 3
Council Recommendation on tracking graduates – Commission commitments Development of a pilot European tertiary graduate survey Mapping study on VET graduate tracking measures in the Member States Mutual learning/capacity building such as peer reviews and exchange of good practices Support the use of EU funding such as Erasmus + Forward looking projects call , EQAVET NRP call, etc 4
Pilot European graduate survey Topics: Labour market relevance Skills (International) mobility Democratic values Further study Target population: Tertiary short cycle, Bachelor- and Master-level programmes, Long-distance programmes Graduates 1 and 5 years after graduation (all graduates of the academic years 2012/13 and 2016/17) All nationalities who graduated in the respective country of all ages All institutions (public and private)
Pilot European graduate survey – 8 pilot countries Norway Greece Austria Germany Hungary Croatia Czech Republic Lithuania 6
Pilot European graduate survey – timeline January 2018 Kick off April 2018 Questionnaire Summer 2018 Test phase Autumn 2018 Fieldwork October 2018 Reporting phase
Mapping study VET tracking measures - key findings Member States with VET tracking measures 24, of which 19 have national measures Member States with at least one regular VET graduate tracking measure 19 ( AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MT, NL, PT, SE, SK and UK) Member States with regular measures that cover IVET and CVET 8 (AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, NL and UK) Member States with regular measure(s) cover employment and educational indicators 17 (AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, HU, IE, IT, LU, MT, NL, PT, SE and UK)
Methodology used to collect VET graduate tracking data Of the 85 measures identified in the study: 59 measures used surveys 35 measures used Administrative data 9 used both
Main indicators: education-related Most tracking measures collect information on graduates’ participation in further education Few collect information on satisfaction rate
Main indicators: employment-related Nearly all measures capture information on employment status and over half capture information on employment type Few collected information on salaries and match between jobs and qualifications
Categorisation of VET tracking measures Eight types can be distinguished, with most classified either as Type 4 or as Type 1. Dimension 1. Type of data Dimension 2. Representation of the population Dimension 3. Measurement strategy / tracking methods Single measurement point Multiple measurement points Discrete information on the educational activities, qualifications achieved, and employment subsequent to graduation (single programme/cohort and year) (65) Sample (29) Systematic (8) BE-fr2, IT1, IT3, IT4, SE1 5 DE1, HU1, IE1 3 Random (6) DE4, FR1, NL5, NL6 4 DE2, DE3 2 Convenience (14) AT2, AT3, AT4, AT5, DE5, DE7, IT2, MT1, MT2, MT3 10 FR2, FR3, PL2*, PT1 Other (1) FR4 1 Type 1 19 Type 2 Total reference population of the VET graduate tracking measure (36) BE-fr3, ES2, ES3, HU2, HU3, HU4, LU3, NL1, NL4, NL7, SE2, SE3, SI1, SI2, SI4, UK4 16 AT1, BE-nl2, CZ3, DE6, DK1, DK2, DK3, EE1, ES1, FI1, FI2, LU1, LU2, NL2, NL3, PT2, RO1, UK5 18 Type 3 Type 4 In (broad) categories (e.g. information classified by ISCED 2011 levels) (19) Sample (11) Systematic (3) UK6 CZ2*, IE3 Random (2) FR5 CZ1* Convenience (6) BE-fr1, CZ4, EE2, HR1, LT2, PL3 6 -- Type 5 8 Type 6 Total reference population of the VET graduate tracking measure (8) IE2, LT1, SI3, UK2, UK3 BE-nl1, SK1, UK1 Type 7 Type 8
Strengths and weaknesses Administrative data More accurate, as removes respondent bias More comprehensive, as can draw on larger population data More stable, which makes it easier to compare between years and conduct longitudinal analysis Provides better opportunity to compare VET graduates with peers Does not have granularity on different types of VET programmes Data protection issues inhibits countries from using administrative data Survey data Allows the capture of qualitative data (e.g. fit of qualifications with work, perceptions of course) Can provide more up-to-date insights on emerging needs Respondent bias Costly to facilitate a control group to measure the counterfactual
What are the gaps in policy and practice on VET measures Some countries do not have regular and systematic VET tracking measures The quality of measures is variable in terms of their measurement techniques, timing of measurement and outputs Admin data is not used alongside survey data in over half of Member States Key educational and employment indicators are not universally collected Graduates are not universally tracked at multiple points Availability of tracking data is variable (both discrete and summary data)
Thank you