Work package 10 Flexicurity Kick off meeting Brighton


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Presentation transcript:

Work package 10 Flexicurity Kick off meeting Brighton 1st April 2014

WP 10 – Flexicurity PARTNERS involved University of Trento (UNITN, Italy): leader Tartu Ulikool (UT, Estonia): co-leader Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS, Belgium) Grenoble Ecole de Management (CCIG, France) Economic and Social Research Centre (ESRI, Ireland) Copenhagen Business School (CBS, Denmark)

Premise Long-standing criticism of the flexicurity concept:  overemphasis of (external) flexibility and employability; little emphasis on job and income security Youth tend to accumulate negative flexibility-security (F-S) outcomes (more numerical external, fewer internal flexibility than adult population; at the same time less job and income security). The current crisis, with youth being disproportionally hit, is exacerbating long-term structural problems that affect school-to-work transitions: high youth unemployment and high insecurity (job, income, training, etc.). Policy responses have been going both ways (e.g. more inclusive unemployment benefits, extension of short-time working vs. austerity measures disproportionally targeting social protection) – include references tomorrow

Tasks, focus and partners Main focus PARTNERS (and persons involved) Task 1: Mapping flexicurity performance in the face of the crisis F-S institutional arrangements and performance UT (Raul Eamets, Jaan Masso) CCIG (Mark Smith) CEPS (Ilaria Maselli) CBS (Janine Leschke) Task 2: Youth school-to-work transitions: from entry jobs to career employment Objective insecurity UNITN (Gabriella Berloffa, Paola Villa) Task 3: Subjective insecurity, unemployment and well-being Subjective insecurity ESRI (Helen Russel) Task 4: Flexicurity policies to integrate youth before and after the crisis Policies and labour market reforms UNITN (Paola Villa Task 5: Policy synthesis and integrative report Synthesis of tasks and policy implications All partners 11/11/2018

Work Package 10 - Logic Flexibility-Security Institutional settings (task 1) Objective Insecurity (task 2) Subjective Insecurity (task 3) Flexicurity Policies & Reforms (task 4) 11/11/2018

TASK 1. Mapping Flexibility-Security (F-S) performance in the face of the crisis; macro and micro perspectives Subtasks Research questions Data Methods Subtask 1: How does performance on various measures of flexibility and security vary within different STW regimes? Framework paper for Task 1 [UT (R. Eamets, J. Masso); CCIG (M. Smith)] - How is institutional F-S performance related to STW regimes? - How is individual level F-S performance (objective & subjective) related to STW regimes? - What  kind of changes resulting from crisis & austerity? Including EU-LFS, EU-SILC, Eurostat, EuroFound, LABREF, Oecd EPL, Analysis of all EU countries, before, during and after the crisis Subtask 2: How do macro F-S performance measures vary across vulnerable youth groups within STW regimes and vis-a-vis other groups in society? [CEPS (Ilaria Maselli)] - Does flexicurity determine higher unemployment rate levels in bad times (as well as higher employment in good ones?) - What is the reflection of this for youth? Hyp: In countries with a bias towards flexibility, the shock (recession) is disproportionally born by the young Panel data estimation (within and between effects to explain deviation from the long-term unempl. rate) Subtask 3: How do individual F-S performance measures vary across periods and exemplar STW regimes? [CBS (Janine Leschke); CCIG (Mark Smith?)] - How the economic crisis and the ensuing policy responses have challenged the balance between external flexibility and income security for different groups of young people? National panel data or registers (e.g. SOEP, USoc, IDA), institutional information (MISSOC) Panel data and policy change analysis on a set of countries (e.g. DE, UK, DK) 11/11/2018

Task 2 - Youth School-to-Work Transitions: from entry jobs to career employment Research questions Data Methods What are the characteristics (educational coherence, type of contract, duration, etc.) and what is the time needed to find the first ‘significant’ job after completing education? What are the characteristics and patterns of transition into career employment (and differences across countries/ institutional settings)? Does the type and ‘importance’ of different youth transition trajectories vary over time (with changes in macro- economic circumstances: before and after the crisis)? longitudinal EU-Silc (2005-2008; 2008-2012) Optimal Matching Technique and cluster analysis (to identifies school-to-work trajectoriesto and to group them into similar pathways) Multinomial logit model to identify individual, family and institutional characteristics that affect the probability of belonging to a given pathway 11/11/2018

Task 3 - Subjective insecurity, unemployment and well-being (ESRI, CCIG) Research questions Data Methods Do different flexicurity systems influence overall level of subjective insecurity and polarisation in insecurity (between young and older workers, by gender, class, etc.)? Do flexicurity arrangements moderate the effect of unemployment and insecurity on subjective well-being among young people? Are country/regime differences better accounted for by variation in financial security, or better job prospects (access to training, employability, lower unemployment rates, higher ALMP spending)? Do country/regime differences create norms of insecurity and low/high SWB? ESS 2010 (also 2004 for perceived job security); EWCS 2010 (also earlier years for perceived job security) Analytical approach: MLM (including macro level indicators) Analysis: - combining job security and employability measures - age differentials in effect of unemployment/ insecurity on SWB cross-nationally - age/gender gaps in SWB and aggregate levels of SWB 11/11/2018

Task 4 - Task 4: Flexicurity Policies to integrate youth before, during and after the crisis (1) (UNITN, CCIG) Research questions Data Methods Overview of the evolution of national labour market reforms (2005-13) in EU27 having a direct or indirect impact on youth labour market Qualitative analysis of a selection of labour market reforms that target young people in the labour market; In-depth analysis on country exemplars to include type, integration and (in)coherence of policies addressing youth and wider labour market reforms Official documents on employment policy (EC, Council): i.e. Annual Growth Survey, Country Specific Recommendations LABREF database – a descriptive database on enacted reforms (DG ECFIN, EPC) providing information at the level of the specific policy measure (period: 2000-2013), EU27. Quantitative descriptive analysis of policies Textual analysis of policies 11/11/2018

Open questions, challenges WP 10 FLEXICURITY Open questions, challenges How can we move the flexicurity issue forward? How far is it still relevant? And relevant for young people? How has the crisis challenged it? (e.g. Denmark, previous champion, hard hit by the crisis; Germany, previously not a flexicurity best practice example, performing comparatively well)  stronger move to internal flexibility and security measures? How do we want to position ourselves vis-à-vis the critics that flexicurity is an empty shell concept? 11/11/2018

Deliverables/reports to be produced during the project Title Responsible team (lead beneficiary) Deadline D10.1 Mapping flexicurity performance in the face of the crisis UT (CCIG, CEPS, CBS) M15 D10.2 From entry jobs to career employment UNITN M18 D10.3 Subjective insecurity ESRI (CCIG) M20 D10.4 Flexicurity policies to integrate youth before and after the crisis CCIG (UNITN) M24 D10.5 Policy synthesis and integrative report UNITN (UT, CCIG, CEPS, ESRI, CBS) M30 11/11/2018