Foreign AffiliaTes Statistics (FATS): Inward FATS Jon Mortensen EU Twinning Project: Globalisation Statistics 26 August 2015
Inward FATS (IFATS) Foreign controlled enterprises resident in the country that compiles the statistics Control is generally defined as >50 per cent direct or indirect ownership (see Manual) Residency of the ultimate controlling institutional unit (UCI) defines the nationality of an enterprise (see Manual) Disseminated annually (t+20 months)
IFATS: Variables Country of UCI Turn-over (of affiliate) Number of employees Number of affiliates Activity (NACE) Thus, inward FATS describe how many jobs, how much turnover, etc. are generated by foreign investors in the host economy
IFATS: Sources Central Bank (FDI statistics) The statistical business register (Business Groups) Annual reports, offical accounts of enterprises General enterprise statistics Bureau van Dijk Thus based on existing data with no additional response burden on enterprises
IFATS: Results Enterprises by ownership in EU-28, 2011
IFATS: Results Enterprises by ownership in Denmark, 2012
IFAT: General challenges Identifying population Identifying Ultimate Controlling Institutional Unit (UCI) Questionnaire design? Cooperation with Central Bank?
IFAT: What can you do? …