Breakdown: Film and Television Index Emilio Cubero Luis Bauza Valken Valbrun Nick Santana
Narrowing or Broadening Search Multiple Items can be searched for using the “and”, “or”, “not” operators The field for each search bar can be chosen through the drop down menus The search mode and expanders can be used to alter the search Limit results by the publishing date, language, publishing type, and more All of these options can be used to create parameters for a search
Scholarly vs. Peer Reviewed Articles Scholarly Article: Written by, and addressed to, experts in a subject. The information used in the article is usually heavily cited. Peer Reviewed Article: Articles that are critically reviewed by other scholars in the author's field or specialty. The content being published reflects a comprehensive scholarly view on that topic. In the “Limit your Search” section, the publication type can be selected.
Contents of the Index Information found includes 600+ U.S. and foreign publications of film and literature such as: Academic journals Magazines Reviews Books These publications are scholarly peer reviewed journals, full text, or cover stories. These materials range from 1916 to the present
Use Cases for the Final Essay Can be used to reference scholarly papers and journals on movie topics. Useful for essays that might need a comparison between a movie’s depiction of a real-life event. May also be useful for research on documentaries, and whether they are accurate. In an essay about a world leader or famous person’s life or influence, for example. As this resource contains articles from 1916, there is plenty of information on various films and shows. Great for articles that deeply analyze movies and TV shows. Some articles may analyze characters, others may analyze the world portrayed in the movie.