Apprenticeships at Bracknell & Wokingham College
Content Options? What is an apprenticeship? Who can do an apprenticeship & is it right for me? Levels & Components Benefits of doing an apprenticeship? Bracknell and Wokingham College offer & support What next?
What is an Apprenticeship?
Who can do an apprenticeship?
Is an Apprenticeship right for me?
There are over 250 Apprenticeships frameworks and Standards covering over 1,500 job roles available.
Each level will include some or all of these components
Top 10 benefits of doing an apprenticeship
Bracknell & Wokingham College offer: Accountancy Business Administration Customer Service Management Hairdressing Beauty Children’s Workforce & Learning Residential Childcare Motor Vehicle Electrical Maintenance Electrical Installation Health and Social Care Team Leading Supported Teaching and Learning in Schools Hospitality & Catering Services Human Resource Management
What does Bracknell and Wokingham College do to support you: We interview, assess and advise Assist you with gaining an apprenticeship and employment Obtain funding Complete a full College and workplace induction Offer teaching and workshops (where appropriate, either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) ) Monitor and support you throughout your Apprenticeship
Some employers we work with
Some Apprentices you might know: Jamie Olivier Maybe one of the country’s most famous chefs but did you know that he started his career as an apprentice? Growing up in his Dad’s pub he knew that he wanted to work in food and after going to catering college, started his apprenticeship. He trained under some great chefs and soon went on to write cookbooks, have his own TV shows and open his own restaurants. Jamie now offers numerous catering apprenticeships to young people through his restaurant Fifteen.
Stella McCartney Stella McCartney began her career as an apprentice on Savile Row while she was studying as a fashion student. During her apprenticeship she learnt about the traditions of fine tailoring - and has gone on to become a hugely successful fashion designer and house-hold name
What happens next?
Any questions?
Activity In pairs Register with NAS site Log on to the apprenticeship web site and search your chosen career and current vacancies