Update on peer reviews Antonio Baigorri, Eurostat ESS RDG 2014 Item 9 ESS RDG 12 December 2014
ESS's compliance with the Code of Practice development of the ESS Objectives Assess: ESS's compliance with the Code of Practice development of the ESS in order to: further enhance the credibility of the European Statistical System strengthen and guarantee its capacity to produce European statistics improve the quality of European statistics ESS RDG 12 December 2014
EU + EFTA – pilots in Slovakia and Iceland in 2013 Scope and coverage European statistics EU + EFTA – pilots in Slovakia and Iceland in 2013 NSIs + selected ONAs Code of Practice, all principles Coordination Cooperation & integration Eurostat – by ESGAB ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Methodology by ESS Task Force Peer Reviews Audit-like approach: external independent peer reviewers standardised procedures and reports finding based on evidence recommendations by peer reviewers. Improvement actions: based on and respond to recommendations. SMART: Specific (What, Why, Who, Where, Which) Measurable (How much/many, how to know when accomplished?) Attainable (How?) Relevant Time-bound (When?) ESS RDG 12 December 2014
State of play ESS peer reviews Pilots 2013 (SK, IS) Launch in other countries: December 2013 10 peer review visits concluded - Finland, Latvia, Slovenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Lithuania, Greece, Spain, Germany 2 - France, Norway - concluding today 18 visits in 2015, starting with the UK early January and finishing with Italy in June ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Methodology works well, no adaptations needed Well on track Feedback from visits Methodology works well, no adaptations needed Well on track Tight deadlines Quality of replies in SAQs varies ONAs & external stakeholders' awareness and engagement vary Very good cooperation with national coordinators Peer reviewers very professional ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Final reports, improvement action plans Peer review reports ready minimum 9 weeks from termination of a visit Sent to NSIs and published at Eurostat's peer review webpage Launches the 4-week period to develop improvement action plans, which also published at the peer review webpage ESS TF Peer Reviews recommendations for developing improvement actions will be sent to NSIs before Christmas break ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Last peer review visit: mid-June 2015 Timeline Last peer review visit: mid-June 2015 Last final reports published: September 2015 Presentation to the ESSC of November 2015 draft EP and Council report on the ESS’s compliance with the Code of Practice, including coordination, an ESS report on the cooperation/level of integration of the ESS Adoption of the EP and Council report by the Commission: first quarter 2016 ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Same methodology to the extent possible Launched in December 2013 Eurostat peer review Conducted by ESGAB Same methodology to the extent possible Launched in December 2013 Interviews with Commission top management and external stakeholders in March Peer review visit in April, two ESS observers Final report and improvement actions published: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/quality/code_of_practice/peer_reviews ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Outcomes 16 recommendations: Legislation underpinning the recruitment and dismissal of Eurostat’s senior management - 4 recommendations Implementation of the legal architecture – 1 recommendation Coherence of European statistics – quality, methodology and procedures - 4 recommendations Dissemination – release calendar and pre-release rules – 2 recommendations Communication and users - 1 recommendation Coordination - 4 recommendations. Eurostat's diverging view on 4 recommendations 17 improvement actions Implementation by Eurostat end 2017 or earlier ESS RDG 12 December 2014