Ag Facility Safety & Health Training
Proper Hydration (Drinking Water) is Essential Prior to Entering the Farm Being properly hydrated begins way before the work begins. The same is true in athletics. You need to take responsibility for what goes into your body and prepare it for working in all conditions.
Water is the Best Hydration Choice There are lots of drink options, but water is the best, if at all possible.
Open-Toed Shoes are Not Permissible While Working on Department Facilities Having your feet exposed to the elements of agriculture facilities will not result in a pleasant outcome. Protect YOUR feet!
Acceptable Clothing Must be Worn in the Shop Make sure you adhere to your instructor's requirements for what is acceptable. Be careful with stringline trimmers and shorts, you should protect your legs with pants! Also be careful to not wear sandals on the agriculture facilities, as closed toed shoes are required!
Approved Eye Protection Must be Worn at ALL Times Eye protection must be worn at all times when eye hazards exist (around flying objects, handling chemicals, operating hand and power tools.) Z87 eye safety wear is the standard, indicating that the eye protection has met important criteria to withstand impact to protect your eyes.
Long Hair Should be Worn Up and Out of the Way Hair that can get cause in machinery or snagged on plants or nibbled by animals should be kept up and out of the way. If your hair is pulled, your head, neck, and body will follow, for worse!
A Face Shield is Required when Using a String Trimmer The user’s eyes and face need to be protected when the string trimmer is cutting grass, brush, and weeds. Rocks and debris can seriously damage eyes and face. The face shield provides an excellent protection.
All Injuries, No Matter How Small, Must be Reported to the Instructor Small injuries, if unreported can lead to bigger issues. There are specific forms your instructor must use, they are required!
Always Dispose of Needles in a Proper Sharps Container Your teachers will provide a container that is designed to protect you and others from used needles.
Always Wash Hands after Handling Livestock Germs from manure and bodily fluid need to be cleaned. Take this very seriously!!
All Guards MUST be in Place, in Operating Order, and Used at all Times. Guards are designed to protect you and others. Use them!!
A Clearly Marked Workstation Increases Safety for All Knowing where things are clearly indicates what is where. This helps in keeping things organized and the use of correct tools and procedures for specific tasks. In the event of an emergency, the response system speeds up when people know where things are.
Exits Must be Kept Clear at All Times You must ensure nothing is stacked or placed near exits. When an emergency occurs, people need to freely exit.
Gates Should Never be Ridden Although it might look like fun to ride on a gate, they present the possibility of serious injury and wear and tear on the hinges. Gates are much heavier than you realize and can crush fingers and flip you over very fast. Do NOT ride gates!
It is Never Okay to Sit on a Gate Although it might look like fun to sit on a gat, they present the possibility of serious injury and unneeded load on the hinges. Gates are much heavier than you realize and can crush fingers and flip you over very fast. Do NOT sit on gates!
If the Gate is Locked, Do Not Climb Over it Take the time to unfasten or unlock the gate and return it to its original position. If you need to get to the other side and you cannot unlock the gate, climb over the fence, not the gate. This does NOT give you permission to enter an area that you are not allowed!
If You Open a Gate, Close it This is common agricultural practice… leave the gates as you found them. If you find a gate open and livestock are about to escape, you should close it.
In the Event of a Fire, Rescue Victims First If a fire breaks out, follow the acronym, R.A.C.E. First you must Rescue victims. Second, sound the 911 Alarm Third, Contain the fire. Meaning close doors and windows to cut off/ slow down the flow of oxygen. Lastly, if the fire is not too large, Extinguish the fire with an appropriate extinguisher.
Two People Riding on a Tractor is Not Allowed Tractors are designed for only one user. Having others on the tractor is NOT allowed.
Inspection of Machinery and Tools is Mandatory Prior to Use Do not just start equipment (machinery and tools), even if someone else just used it. Take the time to inspect it prior to every use. This is your responsibility and an excellent habit as you develop in the world of work.
If the ROPS is installed, You Still Need to Wear your Seatbelt All tractors equipped with ROPS (Roll Over Protection System) must have seatbelts used. Tractor drivers will be best protected if during a rollover they are seatbelted and the ROPS protects the driver from being crushed. Inversely, IF a tractor has no ROPS a seat belt is to not be used as the driver will be crushed if attached to the seat.
Never Raise Your Shovel About Your Shoulder Shoulder injuries and unneeded stress on the body will occur if your shoveling is above your shoulders
Properly Grounded Outlets and Equipment are Essential for Safety Having that third prong on your cord grounds your equipment to help prevent you from getting shocked. Make sure to repair any cords that are missing the third prong.
Safe Lifting Procedures Greatly Reduced Chance of Injuring your Back Bending at the waist with straight legs puts most of the weight being lifted on your back. Getting a back injury is very debilitating, these injuries can be prevented.
Safe Lifting Procedures Greatly Reduced Chance of Injuring your Back Spread your feet apart to a shoulder width with your feet right up to the object. Get good hand grips with your back arched up and a 90 degree knee bend with your hips dropped. Your legs are much stronger than you realize. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and stand up using your leg muscles. Be very careful how you turn and walk with the load. Consider getting help IF the load is uncomfortable. Also consider your path of travel prior to being loaded, taking the time to think this process through.
Slip and Trip Hazards Should be Cleaned up Immediately People can slip and trip just about anywhere in your facilities. Help the overall safety of the facilities by removing these hazards. Cleaning them up as quick as possible.
Sharp Cutting Tools are Safer than Dull Ones When cutting tools are sharp, the require much less pressure to make work. When more pressure is applied, the tool tends to break causing unsafe conditions.
The Tool Choice for the Job is a Significant Consideration in Safe Operations Understand the task and which tool(s) are needed is crucial for safe operations. Humans have spent a lot of effort in developing tools, fasteners, implements, processes, etc. to be efficient and safe. Choosing wisely is crucial to your safety.
Work Areas Must be Left Clean and Damaged Tools Reported to the Instructor Before You Can Consider the Area Safe to Leave Workers need to be very aware of the condition of their tools are in and of the area in which they work. Your instructor will provide clean up equipment (brooms, shovels, trash cans, dust pan, etc.) to clean up.
Three Points of Contact must be Maintained when Climbing a Ladder A ladder climber must have either both feet and a hand or both hands on a foot touching the ladder as the ladder is used to ensure solid contact.
Standing on Top of the Ladder is Not Allowed Ladders clearly say DO NOT stand on the top steps. Generally, you are not allowed to step on the top two steps. This makes the ladder too top heavy and dangerous.
Students are Not to Use Chemicals on the Farm Chemical use is only permitible for instructors only.